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Is a remaster on the table for MKX?

I am a big MKX fan and wanted to ask if a remaster is even in discussion for it.
Both 11 and 1 definitely seem to be a lot more tame which has its benefits(not being stuck in sorcerer mixes),so I dont know if they're willing to remaster it,but the game is so fast paced and fluid and its so fun to watch,a remaster would be fun.

Should NRS remaster MKX? (Cause its graphics aren't good)

Lt. Boxy Angelman

All it needs is a VF5-style rebalancing where Balanced Kenshi, Lackey Torr and Wrestler Jax all get their wakeup armor back, as you could make the argument that the three of them - maybe not Wrestler, but DEFINITELY Lackey and Balanced - were the ones who actually needed it to be viable in any capacity.

Touch up some of the least used variations - Drone Cassie, Fisticuffs Johnny, Reptile overall, maybe make Full Auto Jacqui a bit less obnoxious - add a new stage or two, take the lightning out of the Sky Temple so you can use that stage without catching a headache...for all the remakes and rereleases and repackaging that games like Skyrim and Doom have gotten, and in the absence of an MK9 remake or anything having to do with Injustice, a 10-year anniversary hullabaloo for MKX would be right up my alley.

I mained Killer Leatherface before it was cool, and I'd love a for real competitive excuse to go back.