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The world doesn't adjust to you.
Hello TYM members!

I have just registered an account because of the superfluous information that you can get here and I know you are a very open and cooperative community for a particular favorite game of mine!

I think one of the advantages of not being exposed to a forum is that it sparks your creativity more in combos or just general quirks in a game when you have to figure them out yourself.
Mileena is my personal favorite character with my secondary being Stryker. I'm an avid player of Tagged Kombat and love combining flashy combos between the two characters. (Unfortunately I almost play exclusively them and know little of the rest, but I have been playing with Rain, Jade, and Reptile for a bit). Some of your names I am familiar with online so it is nice to see yous gather here and share knowledge. Hopefully I can be of more use once I buy my own recorder to demonstrate anything I feel was not covered yet or simply posting said combos or anything relevant. I've noticed a few combos and uppercut combos not mentioned here. But I recall an uppercut combo of Mileena on Youtube so it might not be needed. I think most bases are covered here!

Anyways, nice site you guys got and hope I can collaborate with you all soon!


The world doesn't adjust to you.
It's been quiet along with Stryker's forum. I figure I will post most often between these two but will obviously check out the rest of the sections and also I wanted to see if any of the better Mileena's that I have played might be here too. I would like to meet everyone else though, no discrimination here! Some of the names are all too familiar from the other forums!
My mind is still blown from all this frame data, what a treat.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Im still working on the execution side of the house with Mileena, trying to link combos and strings together to see what work and what doesn't. Heres a question maybe you are someone else may be able to answer. In various combo vids on youtube I've seen folks link multiple B 1, 4 back to back and at least 3 times in a row, But I can't seem to get the timing right anyway I try any thoughts on this folks...


that combo is rediculous, don't even bother... even if you happen to execute it once, you will most likely always drop it in battle. just go for the easy combo like u4, u4, b1+4, 4, roll, b1+4 sai or u4, u4, b1+4, 112, roll, b1+4 sai they both do 34% (add an extra 3% if you add jip)

oh and welcome trial & error