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My name is Nick I go by the tag Won (Insan3Won,WonOneWun etc..) I am originally a FPS player, I've been to 3 MLG (Major League Gaming) events competing in halo 3, and Halo reach, and many countless local tournaments over the years. I always have played fighting games for fun, never really trying to understand the mechanics or learn a lot of combos because I was typically pretty young when I was playing and just wanted to smash my friends' faces in. I've gotten away from competetive gaming shooters recently because dealing with 3 other people (fps tournies are typically in a 4v4 format) is stressful and getting everyone to see eye to eye is a pain and I've kind of gotten back to my roots in playing games for fun on the ps3 but I still have my competetive nature.

The last MK I played was Deadly Alliance back when it first came out, i was roughly 11? and I'm really enjoying this new one so far, I doubt I will become a serious tournament player and go to huge tournies but I want to improve my gameplay and become a top player in my area (Kansas City Missouri/Midwest region). Anyways theres a little info on me. I am maining Smoke so far and Im trying to get reptile down because hes always been my favorite, I haven't had much of a chance to play online because PSN has been down but I've played about 10+ hrs against friends 1on1 besides that ive just been kickin it in training mode or playing challenge tower.

Add me on PSN when its back up for some matches and to improve: WonOneWun