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Interesting incident while playing MKII Challenger

I was playing MKII Challenger Hack yesterday on my MAME OSX and was messing around with Reptile during a quick Vs. battle (was working on forceball combo variations for the heck of it) when I was on the Dead Pool stage and threw a forceball, then did 2 HP's and can't remember what exactly I hit next, but there was the patented MK voice saying "outstanding" during the match after I did that. So I finished the match and counted down on the 2nd player obviously since I was the only one playing, testing combos and when I went back to the fight ladder instead of fighting Kintaro (who was first on the ladder before I hit player 2 start) Baraka was now in the first position and I believe Kitana was above him next in line.

Don't know what happened or why it did, but apparently something happened where it seems like the fight ladder went back to normal instead of having Kintaro up front or one of the secret characters in MKII.

Anyone else ever come across this on Challenger?


I think there's 3 battle plans for challengers hack, 1 of them has baraka as the first person. I know in mk2 the battle plan switches sometimes after 2 player games, so this likely happens in CH too.
I had an interesting thing happen to me the other day as well,only it was in a room where i had done a lobby search. So i hit X and go to the select screen and do random select ,while this dude called DavidAK101 just sits there. So i start fighting the CPU and just start going up the ladder thiinking "oh this clown just wants to see if i know how to play first" then i start getting higher an higher up the ladder and i beat Shang i think and the dude sends me a message asking "do you wanna play me?" so im like yah why not? So he sends another message saying "well invite me?" and im like dude just hit start we're already in the same room...after i lose to Kintaro i just leave the room. And what does this clown do? He starts sending me a ton of hatemail calling me a pussy bitch cuz i wouldnt play him?????????? Anyway this went on for a while , it was really annoying. Does anyone know who this clown is?
mud said:
you desynched...
Trust me we didnt.... he was sitting there watching me play the whole time, you cant desync if you never hit start or X ? He was just being an idiot like most people online.
ScheissNussen said:
Just because it was playing on your side, doesn't mean it was playing on his during a desync.

He could have hit start and it just never registered on your side.
I dont know the whole thing seemed really wierd , it was like he was from another dimension. Just kidding but it was wierd as hell.


if it desynchs right away and the player drops it'll continue the game, I just had a match do this...
nah this guy david ak101 is f..ing [ban incoming]! trust me bro, I fought him he sucked he only picked lui kang, and I told him he sucked he always lost to me and he claimed he was disabled with only one hand. He f...ing invited me into a voice chat and it was him and some other gay dude talking s..t. But he's like mentally disabled I get hatemail from him like evryday he calls ME gay , I'm like dude I get more p.ssy then you could dream of. And by his voice he's like 40 years old and retarded/slow. MK2 challenger is crazy the uppercuts are wierd I fought noob saibot first once idk how. Usually it's kintaro or baraka. I fought some dude on kailera with it all the moves are wierd Jonny cages kick goes all the way across the screen.