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Interactables in MK 10


"On your Knees!"
Ok I know you've heard this topic alot of times but lte me say this, I'm all for new characters and new things in the MKU but the interactables, doesnt fit in MK. I know in the past they had weapon pickups in MKD and MKA but that was different and it was 3d and IMO I didnt like it. MK9 was awesome b/c they stayed with the 2D fighting, mechanics, graphics etc. I saw the trailer for MKX already and it is epic, but I wish they didnt have interactables b/c its not truly combat and it takes away the skill of a player in a sense. Like for example If you are about to defeat your opponent and both of you ran out of meter and you are just about to make your move and when the interactable comes out the opponent uses it and wins. smh In IGAU it made sense b/c it was superheroes vs supervillains and shit and it fit the criteria but in MKU it doesnt they should have left out the interactables and just kept it full Kombat. If ppl dont want those interactables they should just keep tweeting NRS to take them out since MKX is still in development, or make a petition. Your thoughts on MK9 differs form MKX?