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Inputs dropping (ONLINE)


Anyone else having this issue or is it just me? I play it on the PSN and notice that inputs sometimes don't register, and it's totally random too. Could it be an input delay issue, maybe I'm not timing button presses correctly to compensate for the input delay or does anyone else experience this? I'm guessing it's an input delay issue and not a bug. Also, Sometimes when I D1 into a special the match crashes.


Yup same here, If I practice some 40-45% combos offline, I can be happy to get about 30% online.
It is so delayed sometimes, really annoying.


Bummer. I wasn't referring strictly to combos, some combos will just never work for this game online. The special cancel window is really strict for some strings and non hitconfirmable so it's expected that the huge input delay kills certaincombos and characters. I was referring more to general inputs, like for example you press a D1 or try to do an arched jump and nothing happens. I've tried 3 controllers and an arcade stick and it keeps happening. I also have release check off and am using the MK style inputs. I just find it odd. I'm almost certain it's just the bad netcode.


Average at Best
I end up just performing simplified combos and ghetto resets since anything too extensive Im end up missing and get punished.


The Prettiest
Mine are fine. Rarely do I drop any combos do to issues with the game or online. If I miss a combo, it's mostly my fault.


Yea simple combos online are key. Also, tech rolling and blocking is more viable online since the wakeup attack window is very strict and most of the time it won't come out so you'll get crossed up or blown up for trying one.


Mine are fine. Rarely do I drop any combos do to issues with the game or online. If I miss a combo, it's mostly my fault.
Lucky you. I can land combos without dropping them all the time offline but online I can barely land anything. I think the combo thing online is just being able to adjust to the input delay. I wasn;t referring to combos only, I mean general inputs like pressing a D1 or doing an arched jump while neutral and standing and nothing comes out, the character just stands there


The Prettiest
Lucky you. I can land combos without dropping them all the time offline but online I can barely land anything. I think the combo thing online is just being able to adjust to the input delay. I wasn;t referring to combos only, I mean general inputs like pressing a D1 or doing an arched jump while neutral and standing and nothing comes out, the character just stands there
Even if the online is good on this game, at least I think so, inputs will lag. Period. Online will never be perfect. Unless you and your opponent have the servers to yourselves... Which ahhh... Would never happen... Lol


Even if the online is good on this game, at least I think so, inputs will lag. Period. Online will never be perfect. Unless you and your opponent have the servers to yourselves... Which ahhh... Would never happen... Lol
You don't have to tell me what I already know, thats not what I'm saying. I'm not talking about inputs delaying, I mean inputs not REGISTERING.
I mean general inputs like pressing a D1 or doing an arched jump while neutral and standing and nothing comes out, the character just stands there


The Prettiest
You don't have to tell me what I already know, thats not what I'm saying. I'm no talking about inputs delaying, I mean inputs not REGISTERING.
Okay no need to get all upset. I do not have this problem so I can't help. I was just stating the obvious in case you ruled it out. Goodbye.


Okay no need to get all upset. I do not have this problem so I can't help. I was just stating the obvious in case you ruled it out. Goodbye.
I'm gonna quote my original post.
Anyone else having this issue or is it just me? I play it on the PSN and notice that inputs sometimes don't register, and it's totally random too. Could it be an input delay issue, maybe I'm not timing button presses correctly to compensate for the input delay or does anyone else experience this? I'm guessing it's an input delay issue and not a bug. Also, Sometimes when I D1 into a special the match crashes.
And btw why would I be upset? I was merely asking a question to see if anyone else is havig this issue. Sometimes and randomly button presses just dont register at all. Maybe all my controllers and stick are messed up, or my ps3 is who knows.


went for a ranked match just to get Yellow Lantern before my gold expires... had no problem with normals, air projectiles and combo starters, almost no delay at all, but for the love of Hal not once was I able to MB at least 20 Lanterns Might and extend combo... pressing once, mashing RT... nope, nothing... don't know what was the deal with that

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I think it has to do with the fact that you can't really use visual cues to cancel into specials or link into other moves.

Because of the delay, when you confirm a cancel/link, you're already too late and it misses/drops. It's quite frustrating and I've found that I need to do my entire combo(s) solely on muscle memory. I often practice my combos without looking in practice mode so I can do them online without needing to see the moves in order to cancel or link them.