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Injustice - The potential!


Before MKvsDC... did DC fans ever really have a "DC Fighter"? If not, think of the new players to get in to this game... and then maybe on to Mortal Kombat?

Seriously... this game might become very big.
I'm glad you are supporting it STORMS, as I an too but I do have my skepticism.

I'm in shock at the ungrateful and how silly people can be. Known players too.

If you're shitting on this game, saying it won't be taken seriously or a Tournament worthy game, or I won't buy it because it looks shit. Than what's the difference between you and the Capcom fanboys who hate on MK, for the SAME exact reasons above? None. It's extremely hypocritical and dumb, give it a chance, support it, and in turn you'll support MK.

NRS is competent, they will make it decent at least because they know what works and doesn't from MK9, Hector/Pako knows what's up. Don't undermine them. Competitiveness is a consideration after the success of MK9.


Play Monster Hunter!
I just hope given the much longer dev cycle this has then MK vs DC, they are much more true to the DC characters.
I don't want them all to just be MK characters in DC skins.

I would love for them to figure out how to make flight work in there engine, sindel can kinda fly, but it was completely useless outside of ineffective shenanegans.

cosmic eclipse

Khaotic clan
mk vs dc sold millions i played ranked match for 2 years its an amazing game. ppl who never gave it a chance missed out on a great game. injustice will be incredible


I'm happy they're branching out, this shows growth and potential for the successful future of this studio and by extension MK, if the game is good, they have my full backing.

I'm interested in trying this game out for sure, I like DC and I like NRS' fighting engine. This wasn't my number 1 choice, but I'm going to be optimistic.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
The game might not even be a competitive fighter. I mean, if it has too silly features like MKvDC had, and maybe even scenes during the match, it wont make it as tourneys. think about it.

Regardless, still excited, and no DCU has never had a legit fighter. Ever. :coffee:


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Not meant to be a competitive fg on my opinion. Just a casual fun game. Should be awesome though :)


Cold day in hell...
I bet it's actually competitive, and I bet it does really well because it looks dynamic and exciting to watch. UMVC3 is not very balanced, or without gimmicks, but it is successful for being fun. Could some of the moves like Superman batting someone up into the atmosphere then back down be an xray like supermove? Probably.
Before MKvsDC... did DC fans ever really have a "DC Fighter"? If not, think of the new players to get in to this game... and then maybe on to Mortal Kombat?

Seriously... this game might become very big.
There was this game on Super Nintendo: