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INJUSTICE: Regarding Today's Update, "just bug fixes, very little that affects game play"


Several people have been asking us about this "update" that Injustice received today and quite honestly, I had no idea about. However, there was an update and NetherRealm Studios' Lead Designer, Paulo Garcia made a point to clarify via twitter that is was just "bug fixes" and had very little to deal with game play. Although, what "bug fixes" means is a little unclear, it may be safe to say that no characters were heavily nerfed or buffed today. Keep Injustice how it is, right?!


Source: pakostevens
*Thanks to PLAY_TO_W1N


Just watch, superman looses all his corner shit
lol Its probably a bug fix for the freezing issues. if it was a balance change im sure they ould say. they may have updated the frame data


Zyos aka Mr Mix ya Girl
He said very little not none very interested in what the fix did at least cod would post exactly what was done in the update


Neutral Skipper
I just tweeted Paulo and asked about the ragequit glitch. He says it hasn't been fixed yet but it's coming soon. And he did mean "bug fixes".


For hearts long lost and full of fright
Uhh, did everyone get this update? I've played Injustice on and off all day and received no such update. :oops:

Loth Ryo

of house Ryo krypton
Well I just tested if it fixes the viewing hero card issue and it doesnt, can somebody with a twitter account tweet someone at NRS and try to get some feedback? Pretty annoying


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Maybe its to fix the game freezes near the generator interactible in Star Labs. Those freezes still existed for Killer Frost and Ares when I played them. On wakeup I hit it once and locked the game playing them.
I think there's a bug with the XP boosts. I recently bought the 5x XP boost. Next morning. Gone. But my level stayed the same. Help. It'll take forever to get that back.