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Injustice: Online?


If anyone has any comments on the online, please post it here. I want to know if it is good enough to warrant $60.

-Has anyone tested online from coast to coast?
-Has anyone tested online with people from other countries?


Grundy think you handsome!
the netcode is far superior to MK9 however there have been a couple of laggy games where it was almost unbearable. Definetly an improvement though, i rarely drop combos due to lag, where as in MK I just wouldn't even attempt some combos online because it would probably drop.


The lag is pretty bad. It's not visible frame drop lag, it's input delay. With some characters its more noticeable than others. Green Arrow for example is a character you'll notice the input delay with bigtime. Try landing his 113, ji2 or his f2d13, dash, 11~low freeze. Nearly impossible. Thats another reason people complain about deathstroke, it's not the character thats a problem, its just that with the lag present it's harder to get in on his zoning and react, and his sword flip could become safe under the right lag conditions.


For me here in Asia it is pretty horrible, half the game sessions drop before the match starts, the other half is laggy to a point that it is hard to even get in a 2-hit combo. Was looking forward to make this the first beat-em-up I play online in a more serious manner, but I think I drop that plan...

Deleted member 9158

The lag is pretty bad. It's not visible frame drop lag, it's input delay. With some characters its more noticeable than others. Green Arrow for example is a character you'll notice the input delay with bigtime. Try landing his 113, ji2 or his f2d13, dash, 11~low freeze. Nearly impossible. Thats another reason people complain about deathstroke, it's not the character thats a problem, its just that with the lag present it's harder to get in on his zoning and react, and his sword flip could become safe under the right lag conditions.
THIS! Holy shit, while it isn't actually lagging, there is a serious input delay that is messing me up hard. I'll go into training, or the arcade ladder and be fine. I'll pound off combos left and right with harley, and feel pretty good about myself. Then I'll go online, and not be able to pull off even some of her stand strings.

I'm also having a huge issue with the zoning in this game.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
so far 80+ matches and only 2 had any lag issues at all I would say the online is perfectly fine but thats my opinion

Deleted member 5032

The input delay is a bit of an issue, but you get used to it. There will probably just be a few combos you'll have to reserve for offline use only. Though I have seen some people pull off some pretty impressive stuff.


I have no issues at all 90% of the time. Occasionally there is a bit of lag. I don't notice much difference, if any, on combos. I have crappy internet too.

Dandy J

i can see all the amine
I'd say the netcode is barely acceptable. That is, you'll have fun, as long as the other player is reasonably close, but it's not very good. I played someone literally 10 minutes from me and the delay was noticeable, felt like 3f. It's playable, but there's no reason it should feel the same as playing TTT2 with someone 10 states away. NRS can do better. So to answer your question, no.


Average at Best
For me here in Asia it is pretty horrible, half the game sessions drop before the match starts, the other half is laggy to a point that it is hard to even get in a 2-hit combo. Was looking forward to make this the first beat-em-up I play online in a more serious manner, but I think I drop that plan...
Im also in asia, lets get some games in!!!!!!!!!


Scary Bat
I can confirm that from Singapore it is bloody atrocious. Seeing any one with more than 0 bars for ping is extremely rare.

I think I've had matches against maybe 4 different people in total, and they all lagged pretty bad.


Average at Best
Depending on what region you're in and what time you search for matches will decide your experience. Myself being in Japan have no choice but attempt to during early morning (my time) since it coincides with what seems to be peak hour on the pacific coast. Thankfully I have a handful of TYM members from across the US with whom Ive been able to connect with without a terrible experience. I do like that if the connections are not compatible the game recognizes that by pretty much Giving be the boot before the actual match even loads. Is the netcode on par with SC5 and/or P4A/BBCS2 no but it definitely not as bad as Mk9.


1 2 3 drink
Depending on what region you're in and what time you search for matches will decide your experience. Myself being in Japan have no choice but attempt to during early morning (my time) since it coincides with what seems to be peak hour on the pacific coast. Thankfully I have a handful of TYM members from across the US with whom Ive been able to connect with without a terrible experience. I do like that if the connections are not compatible the game recognizes that by pretty much Giving be the boot before the actual match even loads. Is the netcode on par with SC5 and/or P4A/BBCS2 no but it definitely not as bad as Mk9.
Yeh sucks that i cant play against u. Like u said it seems to go out the game before it starts when the connection is bad.


Stay Puft
I've played with people from the US and Canada (I'm from northern EU) and haven't had any problems with lag. There's a slight input delay but it doesn't have severe lag spikes like MK did.


Since I am working I only have time to play in the evening and at night, so between 8pm and 1am here in GMT+8. And yeah there seems to be not many other players around. Havent seen a single other PS3 player from Singapore yet.

Regarding the ping, can I assume that if it is unlayable laggy for me, it is as well for my opponent, or can he have a smooth time with me just randomly bouncing around?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Seems better then MK9, but also seems roughly the same on all 3 consoles based on what I'm reading from IGN they tested out the Wii U version online and Xbox, the guy testing them said they're all roughly the same online.

My experience I think it's definitely improved.

Deleted member 9158

While it has improved, there is slight input delay that takes getting used to. I've only had one really bad game so far of the 100-105 ish I've played. Every time I hit the other guy, the game literally froze, it was ridiculous lol.

But we all made it through MK9 online, so I think we can all deal


Shadow Priest
1 bar - Nasty

2 bars - May experience lag spikes. Still... ugh. -_-

3 bars - Feel like MK on a good connection.

4 bars - A bit better than MK. So it's okay.

Overall... it's okay. Not good, not bad, not unplayable, just okay.