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Injustice Friday Night Fights by KH StarCharger

KH StarCharger

Well, as some of you have seen recently, I finally have my streaming equipment going on Twitch and I've got some big things planned other than just recording me playing. As such, I'm introducing a little weekly online session where I stream some of the game's best on PSN battle it out in FT5s on stream.

Here's how this works, If you want in, you must do the following things:

1) Follow my channel at twitch.tv/Starcharger28/
2) Reply to the thread with your:

Character (The fights will be a character locked affair)

3) Rest assured, this will feature killers only and I only want the fights to be completely competitive as far as I can influence it. So don't enter if you aren't going to give it your all.

4) The matches featured will be diverse, fun, and something to look forward to every week (unless it's a major tournament week or specified otherwise, this will happen every Friday. ) I will post threads on TYM of who the feature matches are and they are drawn randomly amongst the registered players. Grudge matches (from online or offline skirmishes) are WELCOMED and will be picked by me (1 per week unless specified otherwise)

5) Tournament rules apply here regarding double random stage selection. All stages are legal.

6) On fight night, All competitors will be in the stream chat when it starts (NO EXCEPTIONS! If you aren't in it when the time comes for you to be on, you will be replaced by another player and you will be barred from competing for 2 weeks minimum unless you get in contact with me prior on the reason for your absence). I like to be prompt and on time so I expect those that want to be in to do the same.

7) I will start off with 3 fights for the first session Next week (if there are enough people registered by this time tomorrow, we can run the first on on Saturday. Why wait?). If all goes well enough, I may add more sets with more players for the first night. I will expand on how many sets are played in on session in the upcoming weeks depending on popularity.


SO let's see who's interested and I'll get this going so that we can have the online community showcase what talent is out there. Let's keep the injustice hype train going and showcase the good stuff this game has to offer.


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Flash God Lord
Name: HoneyBee
Character: Flash
Location: Canada (Toronto)

How is there not more people signing up for this?! Sounds hype!