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Infinite Meter Glitch on Ladder?


This guy looks kind of tuff...
So i was playing ladder cus online is terrible in this game.... i was playing against kano and i notcied he was doing ex moves without losing any meter.. he eventually build full xray and continued to use wake up ex moves and not lose meter.. i decided to record the last round and attempted to just knock him down so he could wake up ex moves.. and still didnt lose meter.. until he lands a xray...

has anyone gone tru this? i may be old.. but i was wondering.. what if there was a way to trigger this mid match in versus.. lol.



Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It's an old glitch. I'm pretty sure it's the same glitch that affects training mode.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
When you're in practice mode, make sure you turn off wakeups so that this doesn't happen. Don't leave practice mode with wakeups on. This is what causes the glitch.

DJ L Toro

Yeah, it happens sometimes for some reason. I think it has something to do with practice mode. did you use practice mode and turn on wakeup attacks before playing ladder? i think that's how i got it before... other than like 3/4 of challenge tower that did that for me too. idk though as long as it doesnt happen with people