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Improved Back-Dash-Cancel Into Attack Mechanics For MKX (why block button is ideal for this)


Part-Time Kano Hostage
In Mk9's meta-game spacing/footsies with block dashing was a very unique to the series, but that isn't saying it can't be improved upon for the better in MKX.

If the startup of the backdashes were faster so they covered the distance backwards quicker, it'd create a ton of depth unseen in many instances for MK9.

If someone is trying to frame trap you with plus-frame normals like Kabal/Johnny, you could backdash, have them whiff their next attack and then cancel the backdash to a punish. This also could work in between some slow strings.

The downside the strategy would be thst unlike in other fighters, the backdash would not be invulnerable so you could still get attacked with far reaching moves. This opens the door for cool option selects in MKX!

This was technically already in MK9, but it could only happen in very specific instances because the backdash speed was slow so you'd likely get smacked by another attack if you try to backdash while you're getting pressured with Johnny Cage or Kabal frame traps for instance.

This would add a VERY amazing layer of depth to footsies and would solidify that the block button mechanic is capable of ADDING options to the game instead of just removing them like many think.

It would have to be balanced very carefully though as to not turn the game into a defensive turtle fight (backdash into jump away into zoning all day).

What do you guys think of this in MKX? Or did this explanation just lose since of you? @colt
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Alone is where to find me.
Sounds good but like you said, it has to be carefully balanced. From the gameplay trailers it seems like the walk and dash speeds are fairly similar to Mk9 so maybe it could work. But I think Mkx will tone down frame traps anyway so that might not even be necessary.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm reeeally hoping the fluid MK9 movement is in this game, i'm sure colt did balanced some characters dashings in MK9, Skarlet has a pretty bad one, but in exange she had a very good offense game to back it up, besides her top 3 walk speed helped her a lot with foosties and whiff punish.
Scorpion also had some pretty good backdashes tho his poking game was one of the worst.
i will just have to wait and see what NRS as prepared for us, the game feels a bit different yet also feels like MK9 at the same time. I can't really tell from the trailer.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
What alot of people didn't realize is that in MK9 some characters did have significantly longer than others like Kano.

If they DO increase the speed of the back dashes to make them viable ways to escape frame traps, they could still have the option but it could have shit range for zoning characters so they don't have such a strong runaway game (like Sagat from SF4 or Raven's terrible backdash from injustice).