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Imagine the REAL World Championship of MK or INJUSTICE


Tell me, do you bleed?
Let's be serious: EVO is probably the best championship, but just USA and a few more countries have players there. I'm telling you to imagine what a Real World Championship would be like, imagine the rules that could apply.

Here's my idea:

Two players and one character for each country. As many countries as characters the game has.
Chance decides which countries are in and which character goes for each country.
This is decided a long time before the event, like one year, or at least half an year. Between then and the tournament every country has time to prepare itself. First of all, all players willing to participate in the tournament train themselves for some time with the character of their country. After that, a local tournament takes place in every country, full of mirror matches -big countries like the USA have more than one tournament, first some local tournaments per State, and then the big one, national, with the best-: the only character allowed on those tournaments is the one of the country. The winner goes to the tournament as the main representant of that country, and the other finalist goes as backup, in case they want to switch in any round. Thus, every character of the game will be there, even the low-tiers, and it'll have someone who gives heart and soul to play that character properly.

What's YOUR idea of a World Tournament?