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Imagine making money online from a new MK or Inj?


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Now, before i get into all the idea's i have being thinking of, let me just say, unfortunately because of stupid Rules and Law's it will never happen, at-least not from a 1st party stand point.
This is all going by assumption NRS by the time would have the Network from their side locked down.

I'll use $ currency for example since every country know's it well.

Now i know what your all thinking. Lag!!! but lets say they copy the match making system from Tekken, it matches your ping to an identical ping from your opponent, it does a quick under hood Line test to determine if the connection is Solid and reliable. before connecting the match.
- If your Opponents net starts dropping mid match pass threshold, you auto win the match
(don't enter money matches if you think your Net is shit)

Imagine you could do online money matches, like choose to fight someone 1v1 for 10cent.
1v1 be simple, wouldn't need many rule's because you couldn't really cheat it if the Network rule above applies.

Now here's the money maker KOTH!
But also this where you would a need a lot of rule's and systems, as there is so many possible way's to cheat.
Before way get into anti Cheat measure's, let's get into how the money standpoint would work.

How It Works.
KOTH's can only be entered by either Private lobby (Invite) or some kind of Ranked like KOTH where you choose the buy-ins, then server joins you to a random KOTH matching that stipulation (i'll explain why in the anti-cheat section)
2. it does all Ping test system then matches you up in a KOTH that's averagely closest to your level.
3. You enter let's say 30cents and lose to the king, it will give you a 30 second prompt that's asks "if you want to re-buy"
4.The money will be split between the King and Pot. For example 2/3's of the winning from the single matches go to king while the other 1/3 will go to the community pot for challenger's to win
-The King cannot win the Pot, the Pot is there to build and keep the challenger's interested as it raise's each win you do!
For Example, it's as i said a 30cent game, so let's say the King won 40 games in a row.
That mean's the King has through out that time won $8.00 while the Pot for whoever is the first to defeat the king is $4.00.​
5.If the King is done for the day and quit's, instead of just auto given the Pot to the next player in line freely by luck, have a wave system which is the Player that took Kings place by the King finishing for the day, will have to beat all of the challenger's that where in the room before the match started once in a wave
-For example have the players who where in the room before match pulse white so the New King knows who to beat so he can be granted the Pot.
(This will happen only if the King leaves before the match starts so the next in line player doesn't just get it by luck, otherwise if you beat the King you get the Pot without doing any of that Wave shit and also could act as an anti cheat rule too.

Anti Cheat System
1.As said above the reason it would have to be a random KOTH that the Server connect's you too.
So that you cannot invite friends so that you can allow them to win the Pot and keep looping it. (If your playing Private that's your choice)
2.Im sure by then there will be way's of knowing who is in your friend's lists, so that the Ranked KOTH will never put you in the same lobby as a friend.
3.Incase that system can't be placed or Friend's delete you of their lists so they can awkwardly try and join the same Money KOTH as you, only allow 1 or 2 Rebuy's in the KOTH your in, and after them Rebuy's are up have server kick and auto search them into another Money KOTH room.
4.Finally to stop people from just easily making new accounts and hustling their way into big pots, i would suggest a certain lvl cap before you can even enter Money Pots like lvl 60, so the player can't keep making new accounts and joining easily, plus it will stop new players from just jumping into Money games without getting a grasp on the game

Money KOTH Buy-in
I'd say keep it small for the anytime buy-ins to avoid bankruptcy (maybe have a system that gives you a limit on how much you can wager a day to avoid people selling their house and have it IP locked so it spreads through all accounts)
-Such as $0.05, anywhere up to 0.50$ for the anytime join games.
-For the special event KOTHs higher buy-ins such as $3 to $5 that would open like once or twice a day for limited times.

Money Game modes/types
-Classic 1v1
-FT2, FT3, ETC
- Classic KOTH like explained above.
- No buy-ins to certain limit buy ins.
- Timed Pot, If King holds pot for a certain amount of games, King keeps Pot.
3.Tournament Mode
-Simple Classic tournament mode, 8, 16, 32 you lose your out, you win your through.
-Standard Tournament as in Winners brackets and Losers Brackets.

lol this is long so i used Spoiler tags to make it less stressful for the eyes ha.
In anyway as i said this would prolly never happen this is just playing in the clouds, but i would love to get peoples opinion on how they would feel a system like this or gambling in general games, i tried to be as detailed as possible.

Honestly this is just Food for thought and a bit of fun, one of those things you know never happen but makes you think.
So no need for "it will never happen, NRS Netcode is shit, Lock Thread please"
As i said this is just going with the assumption that NRS Netcode is at a really reliable level.

So whats your thoughts and opinions on this?
why would you like it or hate it?
what would you do different?
what would you add?
Would it be possible to make a living of this?
So on and so on.

Thread end Notes:
Online Poker is game where you use to skill and thinking to win, so i can't see the logic why FGs are different.
out of FGs NRS games played with gambling the most, with its XP pots in KOTH with voting to win extra and being able to Wager your Meter.