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I'm starting a a project and I need TYM's help!


Head Cage
ok well I have been inspired by KTP and would like to start my own little web series on mk.

My idea is every episode I choose a character and I get anywhere between 2-4 people who play tht character and are God like or proficient enough with that character and ask them a series a questions.

Questions that revolve around the character, mk9 as a whole, balances, changes, and such.

This process will be done via skype and post on youtube for the world to enjoy.

My question is to TYM admin/mods if this project were to be done then would you allow it to be put on the front page? I'd like this to get viral quickly and get people who don't know much about the players and the characters they use to understand them better.


I'm not admin/mod, but i think thats a fuckin wompin idea Hito. Looking forward to it :)


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
getting more mk content out there, wouldnt see why anyone would be against promoting that

good stuff hito
Hell yeah. As Sean "Day[9]" Plott says; "Don't ask if you should make something or if people would like it. Just fucking do it! :D"

Can't wait to see what you come up with. Make sure that you use a Queen song as an intro LOL


STBL kinda like? Sorry the idea was already taken.
Yeah, but the game's changed loads since then. Plus, that was only Brady and S1lent (mainly Brady doing the talking...as per), not "2-4 people who play tht character and are God like or proficient enough with that character and ask them a series a questions"
I think its a great idea