As for breaking the mould of predictability, I don't think its really neccessary. Do whatever works, although you haven't stated that your losing or getting punished by being predictable. Well, are you?
Keep in mind, some characters don't have as many or as big of a "mix-up" guessing game - so you will have to work within your character's means.
First, make sure your using as much of your character's moveset as possible (at least the safe stuff). Which are the fast pokes, which are the long range pokes. What your command normals are and when to use them, what combo strings give what advantages, your enhanced specials. Remember, sometimes, its not always about damage, but positioning.
Secondly, use the "mix-up" guessing game, when you have the chance, and alternate your mix-up options. Alternate between High and Low hitting attacks or combos. Alternate between attack and throw, especially after your jumping punch is blocked, alternate between pressuring and blocking to bait your opponent as they wake up, alternate between wake up attack, delayed wake up, block or back roll, on your wake up. Also, use a "variable count mix up" by stopping your combo string shorter than normal, and go for something else such as starting a new string or throw.
You need to alternate enough times, to put some consideration into your opponent's mind. Hopefully, someday they nickname you the "alternator"