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I'm leaving, idk if I'll be back


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Hey guys I am leaving the scene for a while and i don't know if I am going to be back guys, to make a long story short, I have been having a really rough time and i need to walk away to get myself and my relationship back in order, I might be online kind of frequently but that's about it. I will not be attending tournies or travelling any to play anymore. I need to straighten things out before I can come back. I WANT to thank all of you for everything you have done for me as a community. I hope to be back sooner than later but only time will tell. I love all you guys and i will still be on the threads so if you have questions or just want to talk hit me up. Later guys and wish me luck.

Tim Static

Hey guys I am leaving the scene for a while and i don't know if I am going to be back guys, to make a long story short, I have been having a really rough time and i need to walk away to get myself and my relationship back in order, I might be online kind of frequently but that's about it. I will not be attending tournies or travelling any to play anymore. I need to straighten things out before I can come back. I WANT to thank all of you for everything you have done for me as a community. I hope to be back sooner than later but only time will tell. I love all you guys and i will still be on the threads so if you have questions or just want to talk hit me up. Later guys and wish me luck.
Do what you gotta do, bro. Real life always trumps this kind of thing. No worries. Thanks and go make things right!!


My blades will find your heart
You need to take care of more important things before MK. Everyone here understands this, best of luck in your future endeavors.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Hey guys I am leaving the scene for a while and i don't know if I am going to be back guys, to make a long story short, I have been having a really rough time and i need to walk away to get myself and my relationship back in order, I might be online kind of frequently but that's about it. I will not be attending tournies or travelling any to play anymore. I need to straighten things out before I can come back. I WANT to thank all of you for everything you have done for me as a community. I hope to be back sooner than later but only time will tell. I love all you guys and i will still be on the threads so if you have questions or just want to talk hit me up. Later guys and wish me luck.

As a fellow Wharfer, Batman/DC fanboy, MK player, and friend, I wish you the best of luck :)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Definitely sucks to see you go. Hopefully things get back on track.


This one's for you
I know how you feel. This is the best community anybody could ask for but everyday life is more important
Good luck with everything man, hope to see that Reptile back eventually! :D

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Good luck bro! Pop in to say hi every now and then :)

Hoping to have NC a little more established in the immediate future so hopefully we'll get to hang out one of these days!


Warlock Nerd
wow i hope everything works out for you bro, which im sure it will because your probably taking the right steps necessary to make that happen. you seem like a smart man, you know whats best for you. still, good luck


Hope you get it all figured out. If you'll still be online though, hopefully you'll still play. :)


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Do what you gotta do. We'll be here waiting for you with open arms if you ever come back.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
You need to take care of more important things before MK. Everyone here understands this, best of luck in your future endeavors.

Nothing is more important than MK!!!

I kid, I kid. ;)

And to Joker, well... if I never see you again, it was fun getting to play against your newly picked up Jax at ATL Revival. Wish I coulda played your Reptile though! haha

Good luck with what ya gotta do and come back to MK if you can.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Be safe, be sane, Joker. You're the fucking man, and I hope all turns out well for you.
I know what it's like to have to put the virtues of vice aside to reorganize one's life and sanity.
Hope it all comes up roses, amigo. I'll be waiting to get chewed up by your Kenshi should you return.