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I've become interested in updating my stream equipment. At the moment, I use a dazzle that requires me to turn my living room into something of a spider web. With cords and cables to an ancient lap top to outlets and consoles all connecting to it. It's a pita.

I'd like to start streaming STB get togethers, casuals out of my room at tourneys.... Not too much.

Then I received an ad for Livestream Studio HD500


Yea... Sploosh, lol. I am such geek. But $8,500 is a bit more than I'm looking to spend. Believe me, I've already gone through the mental gymnastics trying to justify buying it anyway.

But I'm just streaming for funsies. Does anyone have any recommendations? Ideally, I want a device that doesn't require a lap top, is reasonably portable and newb friendly.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Its basically a computer with one of the sides being the monitor as well. That's probably the entire price right there, I bet you could get the same equipment (but more like a normal computer) for much less... but then you're back to the rat's nest.

I think you could get away with a laptop, a Haupauge HD Gamer and XSplit software with minimal cords and cost.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116074 - $200
https://www.xsplit.com/Account/License/Buy/pp=NAVBAR - $60

Plus your laptop.
I've become interested in updating my stream equipment. At the moment, I use a dazzle that requires me to turn my living room into something of a spider web. With cords and cables to an ancient lap top to outlets and consoles all connecting to it. It's a pita.

I'd like to start streaming STB get togethers, casuals out of my room at tourneys.... Not too much.

Then I received an ad for Livestream Studio HD500


Yea... Sploosh, lol. I am such geek. But $8,500 is a bit more than I'm looking to spend. Believe me, I've already gone through the mental gymnastics trying to justify buying it anyway.

But I'm just streaming for funsies. Does anyone have any recommendations? Ideally, I want a device that doesn't require a lap top, is reasonably portable and newb friendly.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like it's for large scale production/streaming (as in you might be able to stream a whole tournament with this).