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I'm Back!

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
Apology: So I was supposed to make this thread yesterday, but ended up having to cover my friends shift and was swamped all day, I apologize and promise to make any effort I can to return to the community.

Alright everyone, after a somewhat long hiatus I have returned to TYM to once again resume my goals of strengthening the Lobo community and possibly attending next years EVO. I haven't been on the forums, let alone my PS3 in weeks dare I say months? Anyways the point is I'm here and I'm going to fill you all in on my schedule so you're aware of my time to level-up along with all of you... :D

Firstly, life as you know comes first my job, gym, finances, will all have to come before I get online, before I had my new job balancing my time was a snap and I was practically on the forum all day. Though now my job while having a somewhat routine schedule can change on weekly or even day to day basis which is why it will be hard to give a concrete schedule to you guys. That being said here are the days and times I currently start working PST

Sun - 4:45 PM
Tues - 5:15 PM
Wed - 5:15 PM
Thurs - 5:15 PM
Sat - 10:45 AM

These shifts are usually 6-7 hours and I'm pretty tired afterwords so I generally catch some ZZZ's after my nightshifts. As some of you might know, this is a restaurant position so like I said my schedule can change based on how busy they are, or if my bosses simply feel like messing with my schedule. Also my PS3 has been moved into my family's living room so I'll have to play when everyones not watching TV (Lulz) Also this week on (9/11/13 - 9/13/13) I'm taking a class to get my motorcycle license (AKA my SpaceHog like Lobo) so I WILL try to get online on my PS3 and from this point forward any time I'm on I'll post a status on TYM so look for those. Again thanks to all who've been patient with me, it's great to be back... I have a ton of reading to catch up on and guides to update :D

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
We're pleased to have you back, Venom. :)
It's great to be back, I won't be as active as I used to but I'll definitely try to be on the forums and PS3 at least once a day, especially if I still plan on attending EVO. We'll see what happens as time goes on with that....

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
Never heard of you.
I my good sir, am the reason the Lobo forum is as active as it is now. I'm not known in the tournament scene, as I haven't debuted yet. But I joined TYM a few months back and got the hardcore Lobo players since day 1 (Like me) to ban together and really dig deep into the characters potential. I also created the basic character guide and new MU thread (Both of which need to be updated) I don't blame you for not knowing about me. I had to leave the forums for awhile just as you began making posts in the Lobo section. In all honesty the Lobo forums was dead when I joined, if I hadn't got the momentum going on this forum section again, Lobo may not have gotten the buffs he's going to receive in the big soon to come patch. That's my opinion though.
Late on this, but welcome back, Red Venom!
I my good sir, am the reason the Lobo forum is as active as it is now.
We share the common history of being the one to step up and create a better forum when it was a graveyard before our arrival.....except for the forum still being alive thing. (Kratos' sub-forum is always dead)

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
I won't be on tomorrow cause as soon as I get off work, everyone's coming to my house to watch the Canelo Vs. Mayweather fight and we're throwing a party but I'll be on Sunday. Also my schedule has been revised so I will need to update you guys later. Also good news everyone, I got my Class M endorsement I'm officially a licensed motorcyclist.

Time to get off my bike in a bada$$ fashion and light a cigar with a blowtorch.