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If You Saw A Character From MK When You Were At Khromes Night Klub How Would You Hit On Them?


If it was Jade id be like "Yo girl didnt I see you on World Star Candy?!" and shed be like "I dont need no man!" but id buy her an Amazonian brew and we'd talk about life in Edenia, id tell her what its like to live a normal life and later we'd take a cab home and Khrome would shout us free drinks all night long.

What about you?

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves

Yes. There is a female Khrome because we need that liquid gold, Khrome.
Let me first start off by graciously thanking, Khrome. He has given everyone his powers to be temporarily used in replace of their own while at his shin shin dig of a nightclub. Thank you. Now that that has been said, let's move on.

I would go up to her and ask her if she was enjoying the nightlife at Klub Khrome. I would then bedazzle her with this liquid metal given to me by using knowledge of my own powers. I would begin to tell her that I'm a fighter and we have matchs to the death. I haven't lost yet because I'm clearly alive (we are the true immortals lol). I'd also ask her what line of work she does and if she was interested in seeing me fight. She says, "Yes" because she too is apparently a new fighter to MK. She was born at the opposite end of Khrome and he is her brother. She tells me that she's going to tell him when they close up for the night.

At that time, some asshole comes up and wants to be a big shot to try and impress the female Khrome I'm talking to. He challenged me to Mortal Kombat (Did I mention Khrome has an arena too!). I'm a regular so I can use his powers very well lol *Insert Troll Face* and he is clearly a tourist. After all said and done, she was slightly mortified because she had never seen this act of violence, but understood what her role was in this worI'd.

Slightly shocked, I tell her that I'm good friends with Khrome, but that he isn't here because he's out fighting people to show them that he is, THE BOSS! After thinking about it, she asks me to stay the night at her place, and to get in touch with him tomorrow. I agree, and head off to her place.