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If Chameleon is in MK10, what combination of moves should he have?


If we're limited to only choosing specials from MK9, and only from the ninjas, what specials should he have?

Scorpion -
Sub-Zero -
Reptile -
Smoke -
Ermac -
Noob -
Rain -


Play Monster Hunter!
Scorpion leg takedown
Sub-Zero puddle
Reptile invisibility
Smoke akuma teleports
Ermac levitate
Noob disorent cloud
Rain squirt


He won't be in MK10. I remember Boon saying that him and Hsu Hao will never be in another MK game again.
You mean this?:

^That confirms that Chameleon wasn't gonna be in MK9, didn't rule out MK10.

^This confirms that we won't see Hsu Hao for a long time, you might have misinterpreted it (I wouldn't mind if he wasn't in a MK game ever again).


Play Monster Hunter!
The mimic ninjas are pretty low on the list of characters that should show up in the next game, like lower then Kratos.

Maybe as some kind of weird bonus mode, but not as a fully fleshed out character.


Original move set, maybe inspired by the other ninja but not completely copying them.

but I have an original concept for him. ;_; so amazing,


Meow Hoes
I thought I made a thread about this.
Oh well
Scorps teleport
Sub's slide
Noobs Disabler
Smoke ports
Reptiles dash
Rains lightning

And khameleon
I said should have strings and pokes from the female ninjas. :)
Kitana d1 and f21
Mileena d4 and u4
Jades d3 and b32
And skarlets d2 and b11f4

Louisiana Shark

Louie Shark
Mill should have some of that Crane moveset.

-(3,3,2),(3,3,U+2), (3,3,4), (1,1,4), (1,1), (1,1,1), etc.
-(3,3,3,1,1,1, U+4) (Could change U+4 to F+4. It needs a lil more bounce tho', like JC.)

That's all I can think of right now.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
fuck original move set, make him and Khameleon MK10's secret bosses like MKT.
and lol @ Hsu Hao, that character sucks.