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Ideas for fatalities

I wanna see one where ANYONE uppercuts the loser and their skeleton is knocked up out of their skin, then lands in some sort of comical fashion.

Kotal Kahn Stabs his opponent in the back with his ceremonial dagger, lifts them up in the air and Rips off their head while bathing in the blood of the headless body I call this fatality stab & rip.

Reiko throws 4 shurikens at his opponents limbs (they go past the opponent). Reiko then does his spin kick on the opponents chin,kicking the head off and making it flip (like his mk4 fatality) while the rest of the opponents limbs and torso falls on the floor. finally his head falls on top of the pile of body parts I call this fatality Shuriken trick & kick.

Ferra & Torr eye rip they do there x-ray move except they rip the foes eyes out afterwards & they bleed to death, Scorpion flaming headache he unmasks exposing his flaming skull & skull bashes/ head butts the foe so hard there head explodes into a mass of blood fire & brain & skull fragments, Sub-Zero impale & rip he does his icicle impale fatality from older games except he rips there head off with the spine attached then cuts off the spinal cord with his ice sword or kori blade then pushes the body further down so the icicle is sticking out of there chest then slams the severed head on it effectively skewering it similar to Jade's 2nd fatality half mas in MK9.

Johnny Cage - Autographed Torso Rip Johnny struts to the opponent, stomps on both their feet and grabs the sides of their stomach, digging his fingers in deep piercing the skin, twists their torso to the right and left and pulls everything same for the spine clean off, throwing it to the side. As the legs and hips (with the spine attached) stand in place, Johnny grabs the spine with one hand and tosses the lower body on top of the upper body, signs a photo and drops it on the remains.

Kai - Ki Blast: Kai punches his fist into the opponents stomach aimed at an upward angle, he then lifts his opponent up with his plunged fist, and from the inside, releases a Ki Blast that causes the opponents upper body to explode from the power of a light blue energy bolt that leaves the screen in wake of the bloody explosion.

Bo Rai Cho - Liquor Blaze: Bo Rai Cho Drinks some of his Saki and Tosses his pitcher at the ground beneath the opponent which causes it to smash into pieces creating a puddle of saki at his feet. Bo Rai Cho then pulls out a torch and spews Saki from his mouth towards the opponent which sets him and the ground beneath him ablaze. Bo Rai Cho walks up to the opponent and turns to walk away, only to let out a fart that causes the opponent to explode into more flames finishing him. (So both of his MK:D Finishers together).

Who: Cassie Cage!

What: A pretty cool concept for Cassie's 2nd fatality.

Where the idea came from: Playing an arcade game named: SHANK, fighting mini boss: TORO. With family.

The concept: Cassie runs towards the opponent. Shoves a grenade in his/or her mouth. Back flips away. (Camera goes in on cassie in slo mo) Cassie's Floating mid air pulls out guns from waist shoots the grenade causing the head to explode but the body remains with no HEAD/no BRAIN/SMART PLAYER with blood coming out. Last but not least, the camera goes back to cassie showing off by blowing away smoke from gun.. saying "It sucks to be you!," Then the announcer says "Cassie Cage wins! Fatality! I call this fatality grenade head IDK.

Ok guys I know its way early but i can't contain the ideas brewing in my head for fatality ideas for the current 6 character!

-Ignites his head and hands in Hellfire Inferno flame. he then walks up to the opponent and thrust his hand into their chest. Igniting himself hotter causing the opponent to scream in agony as their body burns. With his hand still in their chest he tosses their body to the ground, raises his hand in victory revealing part of the opponents spine in his hand then crushing it to dust/ash

-Of course he has to have his Classic Toasty Fatality.

-He creates an ice spike and rams it in the opponents neck while the grabbing them by the throat. The opponent begins to spew blood over his hand and Sub-Zero begins to freeze the opponents neck. Sub-Zero then squeezes as the opponents body breaks off from their neck. Sub-Zero then freezes the rest of the spine that came out and jams it in the fallen bodies back. (i know alot of ppl are getting tired of the spine rip but little tweaks i think make it fresh)

-She stands in front of the opponent spreading her arms. Slowly bringing out her bug/pincer arms stabbing 2 of them in the opponents legs pinning them down on there knees. Then she takes the other set of pincers rapidly stabbing the opponent several time. She then takes finally stabs both pincers in the opponents mouth coming out of the back their head. She walks away leaving her bugs feast on the remains.

Cassie Cage:
-She's in front of the opponent and handcuffs them. She then hits them in the balls causing them lean forward. She grabs their head and flips over snapping their neck completely backwards. Cassie is facing the back of the opponent with their head facing her. She pulls out her and shoots them in the head and the body falls down.

Not so much as a full fatality idea but Cassie's second should end with her taking a selfie with the dismembered opponent and then it should show up on the screen with some kind of caption Instgram or Snapchat stye kind of like the way Johnny would toss his autographed headshot in his friendship. '''

'Ferra & Torr:
-Torr hits the opponent with huge hay-makers (One Left/One Right) then with a powerful straight punch causing the opponent to roll across the the screen. The opponent the gets up with Torr taking Ferra off his back and launching her like a javelin at the opponent. She hits stabs the opponent with her blades knocking them over. As the opponent falls back she rolls forward off of them. Still moving a little Ferra walks up to the opponents stabs them in the eyes. (this part is from the opponents view with the screen going black momentarily) The picture comes back to Ferra climbing back up on Torr as she gives him the eyes she stabbed out.

Kotal Kahn:
-He summons a small alter/totem and pushes the the opponent on it. 2 Followers come out and holding the squirming opponents arms and legs down. Kotal then takes his dagger and slices the opponents stomach open. He then takes his hand and reaches from the stomach pulling out their heart mainly but other organs come out as well. hoisting the heart up as an offering to his God (The Player). He then takes his club spiked sword thing and with one arm cuts the opponents head of as it rolls into the foreground, We see a light shine down on Kotal in the background as he remains hoisting the heart up.

Cassie Cage: Love Toy Bomb - She basically shoves an explosive bomb inside the victim's @$$. Next, the loser runs around, screaming in pain. Then, Cassie presses a button on a remote control, far away from the victim, making that guy explode into bloody chunks.
SCORPION-He should throw two flaming spears at the opponent & rip the torso off, SUB-ZERO-He should freeze the opponent then use his ice sword or ice hammer to smash/shatter the opponent.Those two fatalities are really cool & awesome.
Sub-Zero: Very simply, Sub-Zero pounds the ground with his fist creating a tremor of icicles. A massive icicle appears in front of the opponent and gruesomely impales through them in many spots.
Sub Zero grabs the opponent around the neck and begins freezing around the throat, he lets go for a second, and then palms them right in the frozen throat. It shatters and you see exposed larynx and trachea. The victim freaks out, reaching at their throat, trying to scream in pain but only gargling in blood. Sub Zero then reaches through the open wound and gets a firm grip around the spine, and begins yanking. As he yanks you hear the horrible cries of pain from the victim. Finally after the third tug or so the head pops off with the attached spine and he holds it up.

As a fan of the Classic Spine Rip, I want to see it, but with a twist. Personally I feel like this one would be on par with the brutality of scorpions new fatality if done right.

Sub-Zero freezes both his opponent's feet to the ground, and breaks both feet off with a firm sweep kick all the while creating a 3 feet tall ice stalagmite around him as he performs the sweep. The opponent's head fall right on top the stalagmite right through the chin, but doesn't kill them, leaving the opponent gurgling in his own blood incoherently as he desperately tries to remove his head from the pike. Sub Zero looks on for a little while then performs an other sweep kick to the stalagmite breaking it's bottom part off, causing the opponent to fall on the ground and being impaled through the head by the hammer action of the Stalagmite's pike on the floor.

I actually came up with this one for an eventual return of Frost so i guess that's why it might sound a bit feminine and showboating rather than Subby's usual brand of no nonsense spinal rips.

Kitana-She should charge her fans with electricity,when she toss the fans,the fans will stick on to the opponent sending an electrical surge thru the opponent's body causing the body to explode,Mileena-her sais are tipped with a deadly poison,when she throws the sais into the opponent's neck,the poison go thru the neck killing the opponent might be better if it was a tag team fatality with Raiden/Rayden the Kitana fatality not the Mileena fatality.

JAX-He pounds the ground with his implanted metal cybernetic arms causing a tremor making the opponent to shake & tremble then the opponent explode.

Subs kicks the opponent to the ground. Then freezes both of their hands and feet. As the opponent struggles trying to break free. Subs creates a stalagmite lifting them from underneath, ripping the extremities (unevenly) from their body. Subs then holds the opponents head freezing it and rips it off either shattering it or spiking the head ontop of the stalagmite.

Even though Kabal most likely won't be in this, I got one for him.

Kabal: another simple one. Kabal pulls out his hookswords. Swings one blade at the opponents face. The hook sticks into the opponents mouth and out his/her cheek like a fishing hook. He then pulls the sword towards himself, forcing the agonized opponent to move towards him. Once the opponent is close enough, he decapitates him with the other sword. At that second, he spin dashes the opponent then comes to a stop, raising the opponent's head with his sword. Behind, the headless opponent spins uncontrollable with a fountain of blood spurting from his/her neck.

KANO- "Heart Rip and Throat Slit" - I would love for him to Rip out there HEART, as them look at there chest in Agony they fall to there Knees and Kano walks behind them and then slits there throat "From Ear to Ear!" As the opponent falls down Kano throws there still beating Heart by there head and then toss a Dagger at it, piercing it and it stops beating!
"Heated Eye" - With the opponent dizzy Kano walks away heating his Knife with his Cybernetic eye, then turns and tosses it into the opponents eye and they get knocked back. he walks up to them and pulls it out and wipes the Blood on THERE clothes and puts the Knife back in his Boot and kicks them in the head as he walks by them!

I know he's not confirmed yet but I'll pick Raiden.

He holds his hands up in the air and starts a type of chant, his eyes start glowing even brighter than usual, his hands have electrical currents racing around them and you start hearing what sounds like electricity building up getting louder and louder, suddenly dark clouds roll in and thunder starts to rumble in the distance and the clouds in the distance start to light up, the thunder continues to clap and get louder and louder as the glow in the clouds moves closer and closer until finally several realistic bolts of lightning come down and fry the victim who screams out in pain, his eyeballs and fingers pop/explode, electricity comes out of them and his skin melts off until nothing is left but a smoldering skeleton at which point Raiden stops the chanting and you hear a moderate wind blow and as the clouds blow away the charred skeleton breaks apart into ash and blows away with them.

BARAKA: I know not confirmed yet, but it be ridiculous not to have him

He walks up to the opponent and slices at their chest just cutting them. he then kicks the opponent on their back and stands above them. bending over Baraka grabs the opponents and begins a barrage of stab attacks with blades. leaving puncture hole (like D'vorahs fatality) in their chest. Baraka stands up and cuts the opponents head off. he then stands in his classic victory pose...

Kiss of Death (it's been too long since she has had it)
Walks up to opponent, takes off her mask, looks over her shoulder and giggles, then she kisses the opponent. They don't feel anything right away, but then their arms start to swell up, then their legs, then their torso, and finally their head. Vomit and blood is pouring from the opponents mouth while all this is going on and then they burst throwing body parts all over the screen (head hits the TV screen). After, you see Kitana wiping blood off herself and poses with her fans. FATALITY

Number One Fan
Kitana pulls out her fans and throws one really hard and slices the opponent's neck causing the head to bounce in the air. While the head is in mid air, Kitana throws her other fan at the head splitting it in half. Camera zooms in at chopped head with Kitana on the side with her hands on her hips. (Simple but gets the job done) FATALITY

Sub Zero- Subby freezes just the front part of his opponents torso and face as well as freezing their legs in place. As their arm flail trying to break free, Sub Zero sweeps their legs out from underneath them, thus shattering. Then he delivers a powerful kick to their torso, shattering the small layer of ice coating it and their face, thus exposing their bones in the front. The opponent then falls over dead. Fatality!

Sub zero :
Freezes their feet and walks behind them and kicks them in the back so their feet break and they fall to the floor then he goes back to the other side, creates a block of ice and makes the opponent bite the block, then kicks the back of the head so the jaw snaps REALLY LOUD , then creates a sharp ice dagger and impales the back of the skull digging into the brain then moving it all about squishing it all

I have an idea for Ermac. I want to see him tear both arms off with telekinesis, have the arms pluncge through the chest, and rip the opponent in half with their own arms. Sort of like what Shao Kahn did to Raiden in one of the early MK9 videos. Except with telekinesis.

Sub Zero:
-Freezes his arm into a club bashing the opponent across the face turning them around. Next you see the opponent grunt/groan/scream in agony as the screen pans out revealing now an ice spike through the opponents chest. The opponents chest then begins to freeze from the inside out and then ice spike start piercing out the body and eventually cutting the body in half. Sub Zero begins to melt his arm ice spike causing the body to fall over as you see Sub Zero wiping the blood from his arm in the background.

-Walks up to the opponent and ignites his hands creating a fire orb/barrier around himself and the opponent. Scorpion then burns his mask off revealing his Skull and then proceeds to ignite the orb with his flame breath burning both himself and the opponent to death. After a moment the orb dissipates only revealing one body present and burnt. The body begins to ash and blow away as Scorpion then emerges, crawling up from the ground from the Netherrealm whole again.

Sareena: Demonic Hook-Up - First, Sareena throws her daggers on each of her opponent's feet, pinning them to the ground. Next, she uses her Kamas to cut off the arms bilaterally in one motion of a downward slice. Then, she uses one Kama to jab and stab the enemy at the groin. From there, she uses that Kama to lift up the victim while that blade is stuck in the crotch, making the body rip off from the legs since the feet are pinned to the ground. After that, the limbless body is tossed across the screen. Lastly, Sareena walks up to the limbless body to curb stomp on his face several times, to grind her heels on his face, and to finish him off by kicking off the head to the side, decapitating the loser in the process.

How about Sareena doing a drive-by shooting over a bad drug deal as a fatality instead?

How about Sareena doing a drive-by shooting over a bad drug deal as a fatality instead?

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That would fit for Cassie or Kira instead. lol
That would fit for Cassie or Kira instead. lol
Cassie doesn't do drugs. Mother taught her better than that.

Now her father? I hear cocaine is common in Hollywood...

Torr jumps on the opponent's legs crushing them as the opponent is slammed backwards screaming in pain
Torr then grabs the opponent by his/her abdomen pulls the opponent towards him so that the opponent is upright
and Torr Proceeds to swiftly tear the opponent's torso apart from his/her legs with a brief increase in speed between the first leg and the second and in one motion throws the opponent without their legs at Ferra, face first
Ferra then decapitates the opponent with an upward swing of her blade before the opponent hits the ground dead

-She begins with a barrage of quick kicks and punches to the opponents head and chest. As the opponent is staggered by her attack Sareena then manifest into her demonic form and grabs the back of their neck with one hand and then places her other hand with her and you see 5 spike pierce through their body. As the opponent falls to their knees holding their bleeding stomach Sareena gets behind them and starts to crush their head crushing it. Blood splatters up and the opponent falls forward and you see a portion of the brain fall out.

-She take out one of her knives and repeatedly stabs the opponent in the stomach. She then take her other knife and then slices at the opponents neck twice (like in her MK:D fatality) and blood starts to gush out. Kira then proceeds to stab the opponents rib cage on both sides of their body then twisting the knives causing the opponent fall to their knees. before the opponent can fall over completely Kira performs a Savate kick to the opponents head sending it flying across the screen. (her old fatality with a new twist)

Scorpion: Spears the enemy in the head, pulls them towards and slices them several times with his other spear or sword, lets the body fly past and the proceeds to yank the head back with the first spear and causes the body to fall apart mid-flight.
I always thought of one for SUB ZERO. He reaches out and grabs the opponent by the throat and slowly starts to freeze their head. The opponent tries to break free of his icy grip, but to no avail. Once the opponents head is completely frozen, SUB ZERO puts his fist up into the air: as if to summon all of his striking power, and then bashes the opponents frozen skull in; resulting in an explosion of bloody ice shards and brain matter.