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I would LOVE to see...


"Thanks" button abuser.
a FT5/FT10 money match between @xblades' Liu Kang and @showtime's sonya.

I think that would be nuts! Hell, I would even pay to see it!

(sry couldn't find the right place to post this)

xblades' LK goodness

showtime's Sonya sexyness


I've never seen xblades kang. In fact, I think kang is the only char I where I haven't watched the high level players for that char.

Does he have matches uploaded I can check out?


Xblades, best Liu Kang, hands down. He uses every tool that Kang has. Definitely one of my favorite players to watch. Not only would I like to see him go against ShowTime but Dizzy too. Rushdown matches are the most entertaining.