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Breakthrough I will be playing Injustice


My mom tells me I'm pretty
The last time I played Injustice seriously was around April 16, 2013, but after watching Oxygen play Lobo and seeing the crowd's change of heart about KDZ and Superman, I also have a change of heart about this game. I plan on learning Lobo. Major props to @Oxygen (Don't know his TYM handle, if he has one) for getting me back into this game. Amazing performance and unfathomable hype is my favorite thing about games, and he possesses both traits with a pale character!
Can someone link me to tech videos/matches/threads/etc??


Monster Island Tournaments
The last time I played Injustice seriously was around April 16, 2013, but after watching Oxygen play Lobo and seeing the crowd's change of heart about KDZ and Superman, I also have a change of heart about this game. I plan on learning Lobo. Major props to @Oxygen (Don't know his TYM handle, if he has one) for getting me back into this game. Amazing performance and unfathomable hype is my favorite thing about games, and he possesses both traits with a pale character!
Can someone link me to tech videos/matches/threads/etc??
Glad to see you back in it! I like to think BPK helped a little bit too lol


Meta saltmine
BANG BANG over 1/4 your bar gone
And about 1/4 of your bar too :p
Nice to see people inspiring others to get back into the game though.
Oh, and IGAU meta back then in the spring/summer was horrible. I seriously though I was looking at like the worst FG ever. How things change...