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I should probably make one of these.


Tired, But Strong
Hello, some of you folks may've seen me post here and there in the last day.

I've lurked about TYM now and again, and decided to finally get my word in when the urge arises... and it has been arising quite a bit with all of the juicy speculation fluttering about the upcoming NRS fighter.

I've been a lifelong MK fan, but I only started attempting competitively play with the newest iteration of the series. Prior to that, I was already actively playing SSFIV (and continued to do so alongside MK9). I played Kano on a whim from launch day through the first few weeks, opting to switch to Sektor thereafter. I attended some small weekly semi-local tournies for a long period, my only major tournament experience having been Evolution 2011 (which was a blast). Unfortunately ongoing financial trouble made the travel and venue fees of even those weeklies quite the pain and my attendance became increasingly rare (and the local MK scene dwindled as well, unfortunately :( ).

But that's enough sob-story. Fact is, I'm hoping to be able to travel more as 2013 moves onward, and I'm feeling quite excited to play Injustice: Gods Among Us, as it brings sensibilities from many of my favourite fighters together along with my passion for cape comics together in what I hope to be an absolutely spectacular package. And I'm equally hopeful I'll be playing it with some of you at some point in time.

Pardon my longwindedness and awkward formality!


I don't play Runescape
Welcome to TYM. I love awkwardness, so I shall pardon it. Who are you looking to play in Injustice?


Tired, But Strong
At the moment, I'm lookin' at Deathstroke, Green Arrow, and Sinestro. But these pre-release predictions very rarely pan out for me. I can certainly say that I wouldn't have thought I'd have been playing Kano at all until I picked him by whim during a late night launch tournament for MK9 :p


Blue Blurs for Life!
Never give up hope. Before you know it, chances for a strong scene will arise. Don't let them pass you by. :)
