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I have not seen anyone post about the new clan mode. Over!

Maybe I missed it, but in the interview with Ed Boon at E3; Ed had said there would be a new mode that was better than K.O.T.H., where people could check out and see how They/We are doing. I see it as an obvious clan mode maybe set up with brackets or a style like Call of Duty is implementing. It is a highly sought after feature and seems to be very fascinating feature if done correctly. I do not remember seeing any posts on this, if there is excuse this post, but if not what are every ones thoughts on the matter? I don't think anyone would complain, but you never know. Any who thank you for your time and.....Over!


Maybe I missed it, but in the interview with Ed Boon at E3; Ed had said there would be a new mode that was better than K.O.T.H., where people could check out and see how They/We are doing. I see it as an obvious clan mode maybe set up with brackets or a style like Call of Duty is implementing. It is a highly sought after feature and seems to be very fascinating feature if done correctly. I do not remember seeing any posts on this, if there is excuse this post, but if not what are every ones thoughts on the matter? I don't think anyone would complain, but you never know. Any who thank you for your time and.....Over!
Are we calling in air strikes through TYM now?



When have clans ever been an FGC thing? Outside of teams (which most people do just for sponsorship), it's been pretty much every man for himself.
When have clans ever been an FGC thing? Outside of teams (which most people do just for sponsorship), it's been pretty much every man for himself.
Its actually something surprisingly prominent in the NRS community I've noticed. Never understood it to be honest. I've had people from a clan or two tell me I should talk to such and such and see if I can join and when I ask why and what they do they usually say its so that I can play with them and train. Apparently we can't just do that unless I have the right tag in front of my name?
If I had to guess I'd say it comes from the fact that the NRS community has more roots online then most other subsets of the FGC and as a result thats where a lot of the "scenes" developed. Someone more familiar with the heyday of MK9 can probably explain it better though.


Clans are more of an NRS thing from the days when mk wasn't featured at tournaments. @STB Shujinkydink could explain it better.

Kinda cool if they noticed and implemented something special for them.

Holy post at the same time lol!


Play Monster Hunter!
When have clans ever been an FGC thing? Outside of teams (which most people do just for sponsorship), it's been pretty much every man for himself.
It's an MK thing. IDK it's always been weird to me.

From what I understand, it sprouted up from the ps2 days, because the community was so online focused, with forums and crappy netcode.
Since those games were so terrible, no sane person would actually waste money to travel for them.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
I thought Ed Boon was hinting more at a tournament mode or prize giveaways.

There is really no telling what it might be. Clans would be cool too though.

Either way I hope the netcode is godlike like Killer Instinct. Its going to make or break the game.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
Will they be tracking Clans or Characters?

"Sub-Zero players are dominating the online scene! Great effort by the Sub-Zero players, who will be rewarded with an additional 2 frame start up on all of their strings!"

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Clans are more of an NRS thing from the days when mk wasn't featured at tournaments. @STB Shujinkydink could explain it better.

Kinda cool if they noticed and implemented something special for them.

Holy post at the same time lol!

Thats creepy you and @Eric Z19 posted the exact same thing at the exact same time lol. Ill try and inform as much as i can.

Back in the day, MK was not popular enough to gain a tournament scene. This was a combination of the game, and online being fairly new. It was pretty broken and unviable in touranment(3d mk times). So to get our dose of competition a few of us started clans and doing clan wars and clan touranments online. it was the only way we could really test ourselves and take the game to a high level. Nowadays clans arent needed as much with a booming offline scene and greater access to the internet, but it still remains a fun online thing to do, and as you can see from tournament results, helps shape great tournament players such as the emperors and RM. And you cant argue results
If casuals are shown a clan system, the rage quitting will be at an epic scale never seen before. Everyone trying to get their W/L up even arbitrarily as possible just so their d* gets big enough to get in whatever online clan they want to get in.

I don't see the point of clans in this game... Maybe a while ago when lack of good online made it necessary, and maybe because some actually represent offline communities, but online clans like the "Emperor" clan seem to exist for no reason at all. There's no function the clan provides that could not exist without the clan. One might say "The Emperor has no clothes"

I think Ed Boon was talking about something different. He said the issue with KOTH is it became a waiting game for everyone else. That might hint at some kind of team mode, but clans? No.


It'd be super legit if netcode turns out amazing.

Please netcode turn out amazing.
KI seems to have set a new bar minus a few issues. Hopefully it'll be legit. This is the first MK i might get for PC instead though, and I'm not sure how that'll change things.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I can remember plenty of times where an online clan would sponsor and send one of their best players to a big Major so they could prove themselves.

They do matter. Clans/Teams matter.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Some people on this thread are speaking like clan mode its already confirmed lol.

I really hope its something cooler than that.

I'd kill for a scheduled tournament mode where you have scheduled fights that others can watch as spectators because itd be advertised on the online menu dashboard.

Like... come on.... am I really the only one who thinks that'd be awesome?