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I have an Idea for Mk10 that should be put in the game


Always Training
Since everybody and their grandma are going to get Mk10 they should put UMK3 in the game. They should have it so you can play online Ranked, Player, Local, and maybe have a king of the hill as well. or maybe a Kombat Kode that turns the match you choose into umk3 match which would be cool.

Yes I know they made MK: Arcade Collection which I owned and Its extremely Hard to find a Match on 360.

If they UMK3 in MK10 a game that everybody is going to buy their would be no trouble in finding match and it would show people who just started playing Mk where it originated from. and yes I was playing umk3 when I thought of this.

I'm Just throwing out some suggestions

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
It would be cool if they gave a code for UMK3 with every copy sold. I'd probably play it a lot too. I can imagine UMK3 being played a EVO (it wouldn't happen but a funny thought lol)