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I Hate To Say It But Yup! (MKX Stages)

The more I watch the MKX trailer the more I can almost guarantee weapons, and stage interatables are returning. To be specific I think in this trailer we are exclusively getting the first look of sub-zeros new stage, which is beautiful might I add. I'm guessing certain stages (not all) will have a specific weapon that will be available to the user if he or she decides to persue it, I'm also guessing it would net u a few more damage on hit and or on chip. Whether or not some of these weapons will be throwable is yet to be seen. I just hope the defender is able to block these weapons so we won't have stupid free damage that we see in injustice. Idk but that sword was just to random laying there in the snow like that.

A second theory I have is that depending on the stages certain characters in the roster will be able to do things with weapons and interactables other characters would not, and certain stages will play in favor over other characters of the roster depending on if that enviromental interactable syncs perfectly with that characters power, which brings me back to subzero, while an ordinary character such as johnny cage would only be able to to new 2 hits with a tree branch for extra damage, maybe subzero (since he can freeze the tree limb) would be able to net an extra hit, giving him 3 hits.


I think NRS is gonna build on having he characters use their surroundings to use extra moves outside of their movelist. Sort of like how gadget characters in injustice were able to do divekicks off of certain objects. In the MKX trailer we have subzero swinging off a tree branch for a cool 2 hit flipkick.

Now if NRS can find away to balance these new features in the series to make them fair, and make sense, then I'm all for it, If a weapon is used, and the user is hit, the weapon should be dropped, and going for a weapon should be a risk factor itself, If ur opponent boldly tried to use a weapon while u are in their face, there should be enough window of opportunity for that guy to be punished. I noticed Scorpion used the same tree branch Sub zero used to swing on, as a way to setup an aerial angle for his spear to hit as an otg while Sub was on the ground.

Idk if my speculation is correct I hope they are able to balance these new features.
The thing I love about MK is the lack of turtling options - I would hate to see that ruined by people camping interactables.
turtling takes a ton of skill in the right game, i enjoy turtling. In fact i find it more challenging and rewarding than rushdown. plenty of characters were run away characters in mk9, i want my game to have a diverse set of players


Philanthropist & Asshole
You could tame interactables by either requiring meter use (MB Throw button, perhaps) OR only have them available within combos. Kind of like a linker.This way, a player can't just use or toss them at any time. They just extend (and/or add damage) to a combo that is already in progress. JIP - 1,1,3 (cancel into "branch swing) - special or whatever. Problem solved.


"I wore those colors before you"
i hate interactables but i do know that some people like them, why not put them in game and have an option to turn them off?


Philanthropist & Asshole
I don't like interactables in Injustice, simply because they were braindead. I think having them be like specials, only available to the player when they are near the interactable while doing a combo, makes them interesting. You get the cool flair of using the environment, but you have to earn it.


Philanthropist & Asshole
i hate interactables but i do know that some people like them, why not put them in game and have an option to turn them off?
I think the reason they didn't have that option in Injustice was because EVERY single tourney-minded player would have just shut them off right away, without ever giving them a chance. So much cool tech and set up options would never have been explored, at least for most of us. If something doesn't work, then that's fine. But this "I'm not even going to give it a chance" mindset is really ridiculous. The whole idea of Meter and/or Traits was new at one time, a whole new element to manage. We adapted, and now it's hard to imagine a fighter without some form of it. Games don't always balance them right, but we persist...


TYM White Knight
I think the reason they didn't have that option in Injustice was because EVERY single tourney-minded player would have just shut them off right away, without ever giving them a chance. So much cool tech and set up options would never have been explored, at least for most of us. If something doesn't work, then that's fine. But this "I'm not even going to give it a chance" mindset is really ridiculous. The whole idea of Meter and/or Traits was new at one time, a whole new element to manage. We adapted, and now it's hard to imagine a fighter without some form of it. Games don't always balance them right, but we persist...
You can turn them off. It's an option in game. It just disabled transitions as well.


Infinite Meter Kombos
Your second paragraph worries me because if weapons are character specific then people will stage select cheat on character select in favor of their character. Example I pick sub and quickly choose subs stage before you get to choose your character.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Transitions and stage interactions have been a staple of MK since MK2. Why so many people push back on their inclusion is beyond me. Yeah Injustice took them to a new level, but really that game did nothing new as these were all things (in concept) that past MK's did. The only difference was that Injustice made many of these things unblockable...which was a good idea IMO.

MKX could do something similar, but add just-frame blocking or something in order to negate the attack or reversal it.
Interactibles weren't bad in themselves, its just that certain characters who could abuse the made them imbalanced.

Characters like Zod could just trait up and toss the entire stage at you.

The DLC teleporters would full combo you from a tele the second you tried to touch one yourseld like Batgirl, Scorpion and MMH

And then certain "acrobatic" characters didn't get equally good utility from them, like Killer Frost.

The problem wasn't interactibles themselves, it's that they were unbalanced as hell.

If they balance them out and don't have any herp-derp "just chuck this at them", interactibles can add a good layer of depth to the game.


Infinite Meter Kombos
Transitions and stage interactions have been a staple of MK since MK2. Why so many people push back on their inclusion is beyond me. Yeah Injustice took them to a new level, but really that game did nothing new as these were all things (in concept) that past MK's did. The only difference was that Injustice made many of these things unblockable...which was a good idea IMO.

MKX could do something similar, but add just-frame blocking or something in order to negate the attack or reversal it.
People seem to want to block interactables with block button which is stupid. Would be better if use meter as armor to nullify interactable.


Premium Supporter

Considering this trailer was purely CGI... gameplay next week featuring two new fighters! :)