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I can has help plox?

So after picking up this game today, played the story thought I was doing okay, went online..and well needless to say I got my ass handed to me by just about everyone I encountered.

This is the first fighting game I've enjoyed to a degree were I wish to get good at it (yes I know a day isn't enough to say whether or not I enjoy the game) but I figure if it doesn't make me want to murder a puppy like call of duty does, then it's a step in the right direction.

Now I went to the character sub forums, and noticed terms and stuff I haven't heard of.
Deep jump, combo cancel(or something like that) and various other things. I even wrote down some of the combos for some characters and tried them out in training mood, and no matter how I timed the attacks I just couldn't pull them off, or if I did it was once in a blue moon

Just wondering if anyone can help me with tips/pointers and an explanation on those terms?

Or better yet if someone would be kind enough to add me on xbox and show me the ropes (if they're patient enough) then i'd be greatly appreciative.

Just joined this forum today and from what I can see it's going to be a pleasant stay.

Thanks in advance to any and all replies.
Greetings, Deviddo. Welcome to TYM, a place where you can usually find someone to help train you and you'll look at them as if they're Obi-Wan Kenobi or someone of the sort.

This thread should help you: http://testyourmight.com/threads/information-for-new-players.30656/
If you have any more questions, ask!
Thanks for the reply and that thread was indeed informational. One question I have about when people write combo's is for example they put J.3/D.3 or anything with a dot inbetween, is the dot another way of +? So it would be J+3/D+3? Might be stupid question but I'd rather be clear rather than wasting my time trying to practice something that's never going to work because I'm doing it wrong.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
a sample combo for lex would be 112 db2 (Meter Burn MB for short ) ji2 (jump in 2) 113 bf 2
your on x box ?? this would be xxy dby MB ji.y xxa bf y
db (down back)
bf (back forward)
sorry if u know all this all ready but youd be surprised a lot seem confused with it
and about landing them u should practice easier combos before u move on to bigger ones if u can do it 10 out of ten times your laughing then move to somethin harder
Yeah I knew all that, but I'll take anything and everything that people think will help. And you actually brought something up. At the risk of sounding moronic by jump in, that would mean jump towards the player while attacking, correct? And yeah I'm on xbox.
Thanks for the reply and that thread was indeed informational. One question I have about when people write combo's is for example they put J.3/D.3 or anything with a dot inbetween, is the dot another way of +? So it would be J+3/D+3? Might be stupid question but I'd rather be clear rather than wasting my time trying to practice something that's never going to work because I'm doing it wrong.
No problem!
I'm sure that is pretty much used in the same format as a "+".
Yeah I knew all that, but I'll take anything and everything that people think will help. And you actually brought something up. At the risk of sounding moronic by jump in, that would mean jump towards the player while attacking, correct? And yeah I'm on xbox.
"Jump in 2" is using 2 so that it hits your opponent while you are still in the air, typically when you are on your way down to the ground.
No problem!
I'm sure that is pretty much used in the same format as a "+".

"Jump in 2" is using 2 so that it hits your opponent while you are still in the air, typically when you are on your way down to the ground.
That makes more sense thanks if I can find it there's a combo I'm having trouble with with black adam. I was talking to someone on twitch cause I was watching livestreams of the game before I got the game and he suggested trying numerous characters to learn different tactics (how to play as a zoner, when to move in vs a zoner etc) and I can't pull this off no matter how hard I try.

B+X cancel black magic, J+Y, B+Y, A,X,X cancel, lightning storm. I don't know why I wrote the full combo seeing as I can't get past B+X cancel to black magic. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the cancelling. I don't understand it to be honest.

And I hope you don't mind that I used + instead of . I just understand it more. Thanks for the help so far. And sorry for sounding such a nub.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
its all good man i was in your shoes wen i joined here first just gotta ask questions and listen to peeps and youl get along grand
ps dont complain about deathstroke ,,, youve been warned :D
Learning numerous characters to get acquainted with different tactics is not something a beginner or inexperienced player should be doing. I think you'll have to wait a while for that.

Cancelling normal attacks/strings with specials is done by inputting the special move command after the normal attack command. Say you have a special move that has a command of down, forward, Y, and an X, X, Y string, it would go like this:

X, X, Y, Down, Forward, Y.

Same input principle with the B+X, black magic cancel. It's all a smooth/rough normal attack-to-special move input transition.

We were all nubs at one point, no apologies are necessary.
Haha what's wrong with complaining about deathstroke?
He is a popular character to complain about, as he is seemingly "broken" and considered too powerful.
Learning numerous characters to get acquainted with different tactics is not something a beginner or inexperienced player should be doing. I think you'll have to wait a while for that.

Cancelling normal attacks/strings with specials is done by inputting the special move command after the normal attack command. Say you have a special move that has a command of down, forward, Y, and an X, X, Y string, it would go like this:

X, X, Y, Down, Forward, Y.

Same input principle with the B+X, black magic cancel. It's all a smooth/rough normal attack-to-special move input transition.

We were all nubs at one point, no apologies are necessary.

He is a popular character to complain about, as he is seemingly "broken" and considered too powerful.
Guess I'll just focus on Shazam/Black Adam for now then, main reason is they stood out for me, I've always liked them through the comics too.
I asked in the Shazam combo thread. although you're talking about a different character the question is still relevant. How soon do you have to input Down, Forward, Y. For it to cancel? I don't know why I just can't seem to pull it off and it's frustrating the life out of me cause on one hand it seems simple enough for such a basic combo, but on the other hand I know I'll have to learn these before I can hope to pull of the nasty combo's I've seen. In other words. Mad coz bad.
And eh, I've never really complained about anything in any game, doesn't seem to make a difference nothing seems to change, people are going to use whatever they're going to use. I figure I may as well suck it up and get on with it. Again thanks for the help.
Alrighty then.

I don't have I:GAU yet, so this will be rough:
The window is tight, compared to the cancel window for MK9. If I remember correctly, you have to either input the special after finishing the string inputs, or a bit after that. You'll have to experiment and find a certain pattern for the cancels.

Like you, I dislike dwelling on things beyond my control. Rather, I try to focus on what I can change and determine.

You're welcome!
Alrighty then.

I don't have I:GAU yet, so this will be rough:
The window is tight, compared to the cancel window for MK9. If I remember correctly, you have to either input the special after finishing the string inputs, or a bit after that. You'll have to experiment and find a certain pattern for the cancels.

Like you, I dislike dwelling on things beyond my control. Rather, I try to focus on what I can change and determine.

You're welcome!
So you don't have to literally wait for the animation to finish , for example I could do x,x,y then herculean might before the x,x,y string is finished and it'll cancel? Sorry to keep reiterating over this. I just like to know what I'm doing.
So you don't have to literally wait for the animation to finish , for example I could do x,x,y then herculean might before the x,x,y string is finished and it'll cancel? Sorry to keep reiterating over this. I just like to know what I'm doing.
If that's what works, then yes. I have no way to know for certain, though, as I don't have I:GAU yet. For all we know, it could be just a split-second bit later than that.

Part of the fun is finding out by yourself, you know! Different tastes, I guess.
If that's what works, then yes. I have no way to know for certain, though, as I don't have I:GAU yet. For all we know, it could be just a split-second bit later than that.

Part of the fun is finding out by yourself, you know! Different tastes, I guess.
Well thanks for the help, Guess I've been told the basis for cancelling attacks by you and others thanks. One last question I noticed something in the options called "Negative edge" got any idea what that is?

@EMP Villian What's wrong with the title of the thread?:eek:
Well thanks for the help, Guess I've been told the basis for cancelling attacks by you and others thanks. One last question I noticed something in the options called "Negative edge" got any idea what that is?
You're welcome!

Here you go:
Rokinlobster said:
Negative edge is a system used in most fighting games. It's main goal is to make things easier for newer players, but It can be essential in high level execution. There are 2 main parts to negative edge.
1. Release Check (This is the option you have to turn off in Inustice) This allows the release of a button to be counted as a press of a button, but only for special moves.
Example: Pick batman, hit 1 (Square/X/Light attack) hold it for a few seconds and release it. He does not do another standing 1. Now, hit 1 again, hold it for a few seconds, then hit back forward RELEASE 1, now he should throw his batarang.

2. Allowance of incorrect inputs. This is almost exactly as it sounds. you are able to hit directional inputs that are not part of the required inputs for a special move and it will still work. There are some moves that allow this with incorrect attack inputs, but this seems to be pretty rare, and I do not know of anything in injustice that allows this.
Example: Pick Batman, hit back down forward+1 and a batarang will still throw. Even on MK inputs with a stick you should be able to do a half circle forward motion and it will work.

Third Strike tutorial on negative edge.


The Prettiest
Well thanks for the help, Guess I've been told the basis for cancelling attacks by you and others thanks. One last question I noticed something in the options called "Negative edge" got any idea what that is?

@EMP Villian What's wrong with the title of the thread?:eek:
I don't like how it has internet "lingo" in it. Makes me want to kill a puppy with a fork. Are you new here? Welcome to TYM.
I don't like how it has internet "lingo" in it. Makes me want to kill a puppy with a fork. Are you new here? Welcome to TYM.
A noteworthy thing to say before greeting, Villain. I do not find it pleasing. We must maintain good manners in front of a new member, even if a thread title seems to rustle our jimmies.
So in other words I should turn negative edge off?
Normally, I'd keep Negative Edge on, but if you feel like it would be more of a hinderance than help, then yes, turn it off.
But from the sounds of it pulling off combos seems near impossible with Negative Edge on?

I don't like how it has internet "lingo" in it. Makes me want to kill a puppy with a fork. Are you new here? Welcome to TYM.
My apologies, my title wasn't meant to offend you or anyone else. I normally am punctual using proper grammar and spelling, but I made the thread at a stupid time in the morning and I was tired and wasn't thinking straight. To answer your question, yes I'm new, made my account the same day I posted this thread. And thanks.


The Prettiest
A noteworthy thing to say before greeting, Villain. I do not find it pleasing. We must maintain good manners in front of a new member, even if a thread title seems to rustle our jimmies.

Normally, I'd keep Negative Edge on, but if you feel like it would be more of a hinderance than help, then yes, turn it off.
You are right. I am in that "Fuck the universe" mood today.

Deviddo I apologize for my rude behavior. It's just one of those "Fuck the universe" type days. You've had those before, right? Cut me some slack and welcome to the land of knowledge known as TYM. :)

but don't piss me off.
You are right. I am in that "Fuck the universe" mood today.

Deviddo I apologize for my rude behavior. It's just one of those "Fuck the universe" type days. You've had those before, right? Cut me some slack and welcome to the land of knowledge known as TYM. :)

but don't piss me off.
I have them quite regularly.