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Private Eyeball

The Rookie Kabal
Figured I'd do the cool thing and post a brief intro here, too. I'm Private Eyeball, just a simple college boy from rural Minnesota. I was one of the people who got sucked into fighting games with the release of Street Fighter 4 a couple years ago, though when I was young, I did toy around with SF2 and MK2 on the SNES. The three big fighting games i have are SSF4:AE, MvC3, and--of course--MK9.

Picked up MK9 shortly after launch, and I REALLY like the game, but I'm struggling finding a character that fits well with my style. In Street Fighter, I use T. Hawk to inch toward my opponent, and lay out a few of his crazy strong pokes before getting inside and bringing out the damage. In MvC3, I take Hulk and smash all over the place.

I've been having a hard time finding a MK9 character I can really connect with. Everybody having a projectile is something I'm still getting used to. I like to just work my way inside, play a little defensively, then whip out a heavy-hitting, yet short, combo to deal a good chunk of damage. Alternatively, I like to poke at my opponent all day. :D

One of these days, I'll find a character I click with and I'll start to step my game up (though being the only member of my local fighting game community hurts...a lot)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Hey, welcome to TYM. Yeah it takes time to adapt, enjoy MK 9 and MK in general since you're newer to it with fighting games! It's awesome but definitely takes getting used to