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How To Practice AA'ing W/O Sparring Partner

Ok, admittedly this is pretty sketchy, and kind of obvious once you do it, that I'm sure people have already done it. But for some other people it may have been hiding in plain sight.

the practice mode can make the the AI neutral jump, but not jump-in. The combo might be the same, but the timing and spacing will not be, at all. Not knowing the spacing and timing for anti-air punishes seems TOO COMMON among would-be-good players, simply because they haven't had a chance to practice it.

I was about to run through the ladder to practice AA'ing, but I realized I didn't want to deal with the computers bullshit mind-reading on expert, so I loaded up the practice dummy on "easy"

low and behold every few seconds they jump back and forth...After a small amount of time I was already fluent with the anti-air BnB's that had been so pathetically absent, and within a half-hour I ran through my mains and covered them all.

also, for now, Sindel seems to be a good pick for a dummy, since she'll have to jump more anyway. Some characters obviously will be more troublesome, eg: teleporters. Some who you'd think would jump more don't (jax). I'm sure there's an even more retarded dummy than Sindel has proven to be. Also certain moves/movements seem to make the AI do different things, so some with some fiddling around there may be a surefire way to make them jump

now...if only they crossed you up non-stop -_-


Good stuff, hiding in plain sight indeed.
I always play on expert and they block well so they are good to practice poking, chip damage strings and anti wake-up

I never seem to punish (properly) these flea ass players online who jump a lot :jerkoff:. I just mained smoke and he doesn't have the
strongest AA. You'd figure the AA game is important just because YOU CAN'T BLOCK IN THE AIR!

Thanks for the info.


Guardian of Outworld
This is another good example of why we need a good training dummy. Imagine how much faster the MK community can level up!!!

Fatalities and DLC is what keeps the casual fanbase coming, but I say, its about time, competitive players get some much needed DLC of their own - in the form of frame data and the ability to record the training dummy. When this DLC comes out, it will be so huge, probably crack the game wide open.


The problem with this is that the height of an aerial attack and which aerial attack the opponent uses (JP or JK) determines the timing and type of anti-air that can be used. Something may work 100% using your method, but fail every time against a human opponent.