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How to make Kratos and other console exclusive characters usable on both consoles


I've been thinking of this for awhile now. So in order to make console exclusive characters usable on both consoles is to find two characters that are similar on both consoles, (Gears of War character and Cole from infamous) then craft them with NEARLY identical move sets (think Sektor and Human Sektor). This way the character is in essence the same character but different at the same time. (I know that Gears and Cole are bad example but you get the idea)

So what do you think MK community is this plausible or terrible for MK10?


Unfortunately NRS likes money so this is a real possibility. Believe it or not there are actually a lot more casuals that buy this game than tournament people.


Blue Blurs for Life!
How about no console exclusives at all?

You want to go back to the real glory days of the MK era? Then do it with characters that are purely MK, not ones that are close enough to it!


This problem is easily solved by just including MK characters that can be played by everyone regardless of the system we own.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
When i saw the thread title i though someone hacked the Xbox to play with Kraton on it lol, its just another dream ^^

Well i hate exclusives so i support the @SunnyD's idea