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How to Improve X-Rays?


TYM's Head Herpetologist
Let me just start by saying that X-Ray moves were one of my favorite additions to MK9. They perfectly fit the brutal and hectic atmosphere of Mortal Kombat and were a lot of fun to both watch and pull off. That said, I feel that their implementation left a little to be desired. This became a bit more apparent the more I watched the game at a high level. Almost no one does x-rays, so I think they need to find a more effective way to implement them into gameplay.
The biggest thing is I think they shouldn't scale so hard. It was a bit disappointing to tack one on to the end of a combo and watch my opponent's skull, neck, and ribs shatter for about 5% extra damage. I realize that they scale that hard so you can't wipe your opponent's life bar out in one combo (unless you're Cyrax), but perhaps they could make them cost a little more meter or make meter build a little slower. Have that move tack on around 10 - 15% instead, and it would feel a lot more rewarding.
Can you guys think of some ways to make x-rays a bit more useful and relevant? Or do you like them the way they are?


Who hired this guy, WTF?
I like them the way they are. If they could make sure that this game there is no slowdowns during ones that you combo after *cough*ps3*cough* I think all will be well.
I would like x-rays to improve graphics wise, if they could look like they did in the trailer I would choose a character who doesn't use meter just to do x-rays lol


Confused Thanagarian
I dunno, I feel like this is a problem in MK9 and Injustice: why use my X-ray/Super for a small chunk of damage with a lack-luster cinematic when I can save the meter for much more damage or my clash\combo breaker. Like in UMVC3 you have a lot of reason to use your bad-ass move (same in SF4, right?). Maybe make them more in the vein of a high damage combo you need to block the hits on? I mean like 3-4 hits, nothing crazy. Successful hits give you the x-ray thing. Feel like they'd have more utility then


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
I like them the way they are. If they could make sure that this game there is no slowdowns during ones that you combo after *cough*ps3*cough* I think all will be well.
The Cyrax player agrees with the Johnny Cage player. Liu Kang players, do you agree? Also Kung Lao players....

f*** you :D


The purpose of X-Ray is to allow a casual player to pull off a spectacular combo without having to spend the time or effort to learn to juggle.

I think they are fine the way they are. My only gripe was how imbalanced some of them were. Some had armor, while everybody else could get poked out of their X-Ray... I understand that it would be boring if everyone had the same moves, but I think the problem was more to do with overall character imbalance.


I'd like to be able to skip/speed up the animation, once you've seen it a few times the novelty wears off and they become tiresome to watch.


TYM's Head Herpetologist
The purpose of X-Ray is to allow a casual player to pull off a spectacular combo without having to spend the time or effort to learn to juggle.

I think they are fine the way they are. My only gripe was how imbalanced some of them were. Some had armor, while everybody else could get poked out of their X-Ray... I understand that it would be boring if everyone had the same moves, but I think the problem was more to do with overall character imbalance.
But how much cooler would it be if they were a viable option for all players, beginner and advanced? I do agree about the imbalance thing though, they need to make it so they all have armor like the supers in Injustice.
I dunno, I feel like this is a problem in MK9 and Injustice: why use my X-ray/Super for a small chunk of damage with a lack-luster cinematic when I can save the meter for much more damage or my clash\combo breaker. Like in UMVC3 you have a lot of reason to use your bad-ass move (same in SF4, right?). Maybe make them more in the vein of a high damage combo you need to block the hits on? I mean like 3-4 hits, nothing crazy. Successful hits give you the x-ray thing. Feel like they'd have more utility then
I don't think they could have them be completely unscaled like MvC3. In that game you have three characters so an unscaled super only costs you one character. If x-rays became completely unscaled, they'd have to have their damage nerfed completely or risk having braindead 90 - 100% combos that could break the game, that would be no fun.


Alone is where to find me.
X-rays have a long way to go before they catch breakers or even EX moves in terms of usefulness. IMO one or more of the following has to happen.

  • Damage scaling of combos in general is increased, so breakers become less valuable.
  • X-rays do more damage.
  • Reduced damage scaling of X-rays in combos.
  • X-rays (or breakers) use a separate meter altogether.
The new fighting engine is a total unknown. Maybe it will turn things around in such a way that the points I mentioned are total non-issues.
Sometimes, after doing a short anti-air combo with Sonya, I tack an X-Ray on and the whole combo does about 10% less than a naked X-Ray. Thats dumb.


The purpose of X-Ray is to allow a casual player to pull off a spectacular combo without having to spend the time or effort to learn to juggle.
This is a strange attitude. The purpose of the X-ray is to blow all your meter for one big-damage move.

If X-Rays are going to be a viable technique in high-level play, they are simply going to need to do more damage. Most X-Rays in MK9 did 25%-32%. If they did 35%-40%, that might be worth blowing all your meter for.

Or keep the damage the same but make them all armored with unscaled damage for combos.
Make them more brutal. Keep them the way they are now. I actually used them as a way to solidify victories if I had the meter for 'em. Pretty risky, I know, but it worked for me more than it did fail.

Also, maybe have the X-ray moves themselves effect game-play. Shinnok could have a X-ray were he goes all Pai Mei on your arse and rips your eye out, making you have to actually use Stance Switch because whatever side the missing eye is on misses every normal or something. Get what I mean?