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Guide - Full Auto How to deal with Full Auto Jacqui



Due to complaints, I figured I'd give some insight on how to deal with this character's "broken/OP" Full Auto variation.

A) You don't have to block the guns, you can simply duck. Just be wary of her enhancing it which causes her to shoot two missiles that hit as a mid.

B) Inch forward after applying A to your strategy.

C) You CAN jump over the gunfire and hit her during its animation. You just need to take your lazy ass(es) to Practice and find the sweet spot. Apply A and B accordingly to do so. I don't know if a ji1 or ji2 will work, but I know ji3/ji4 work.

D) Apply pressure after knocking Jacqui on her ass after properly applying A, B and C. Jacqui's wakeups are all bad, even when they're enhanced. They all lead to a full combo punish on block.

E) Don't jump if she's not shooting. If the player is good and has good reactions, she can hit you with an Up Rocket which can lead to a full combo punish or more pew pew pew from her hand cannon.

And there you have it! Full Auto Jacqui isn't this über broken character anymore!
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Jacqui is perfect for silencing freaks that think Erron knows how to handle a gun. Actually , anyone spamming should get a taste of her.._.Lol, and not the awkward, (anyone can jump over her gunfire) , but the well-conditioned players who pull the trigger when you decide to get up and move. Few can spam her perfectly, but,,,,, when she's out of control, microphones suddenly get activated.


Fight me as you will yet you can never hope to win
As Ferra/Torr Vicious from fullscreen, I would also consider blocking the shots and reverse them with Bowl Girl (Ferra slide 9% damage). That is because on block the shots are -9. After Bowl Girl hits, I would dash in to close distance and speed up Ferra recovery, then go for Boss Toss :D
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Full auto jacqui is easily countered by advanced players who understand how to armor moves. Plus if you have a teleporting character, she's a non-issue. You just gotta be careful of spammers that are actually good players that understand spacing, recovery, etc.


Full auto jacqui is easily countered by advanced players who understand how to armor moves. Plus if you have a teleporting character, she's a non-issue. You just gotta be careful of spammers that are actually good players that understand spacing, recovery, etc.
Armored moves don't really mean much of anything unless you're in her face. Teleports generally have a fair amount of startup, so she can often hit you out of them. An armored teleport would obviously render this void. But a legit tactic that teleporters can do is to duck her gunshot and as soon as the animation is done, teleport.


And no, i'm not an expert, but i've reached the point that no one is frightening me anymore. I'm actually having fun now cuz i know counters. Because of the slow movement and jump patterns of everyone though,,,i think this game favors defensive posturing.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
I think I've gotten pretty good at this because not really any Jacqui gives me a hella hard time anymore. We need to take some of our Gameplay @Eldriken and put it in the OP to show people how to deal with it.

Also, if a Jacqui player has 1 bar, there's a 85% chance they won't use it for armor Wake Up since all of her's sucks. Especially since people run into the MB Gun Shots like it's really a damage boost


Pew pew pew
That's the problem with NRS games. They're blockbuster video games which means they attract a huge casual audience. These people will complain and cry about perfectly balanced and legitimate tactics and get them nerfed despite the fact that they won't be playing the game in a few weeks/months anyway.

I hate to use the term "casual" honestly because many new players don't complain or whine whatsoever, but I cannot think of another term to describe the players who have this scrubby mentality.