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General/Other How to beat Death**** by BlackBryan


B*tch Distributor
Ok guys, I know everyone has been having problems beating DS. I've gotta few tips for you;

1. He's gonna do stupid shit.
2. Let him do stupid shit.
3. Punish stupid shit.

When you're up close to him. Don't attempt to stay on him, don't attempt to cross him up. Literally all of his options from jump distance to sweep distance relies on him canceling into some stupid shit. Let him do said stupid shit, and punish accordingly.

OK here comes the super big deal!!

From full screen;

1. Don't be stupid.

That's all it takes. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a NRS game! If you play 1 character, you are going to get blown up. Now I'm not saying it can't be done. I mean, I have been for 2 years, and still do main Kano. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I do it pretty well ta boot. But that took SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many hours of grinding out ridiculous matches that any person with a life would deem an impossible matchup. As it turns out, I did not have one for the majority of MK's still continuing career (get it?). To all of you who will be our low tier soldiers in IGAU I salute you and say the gratification is definitely worth it when you get your BIG W's. You have my support 100%.

DS will get nerfed, it's going to happen. I apologize to all of you DS mains, because I personally don't think he can be safely nerfed, without turning him into another Kano. But for those of you that stick with him, when you're angry and spamming the boards with this IMPOSSIBLE MU SHIT ASS BALLZ, read this post, and basque in your " Hey bro, why did I just beat you in a 10-0 matchup?" glory. As it is a nice glory, a glory that is whole, and thine glory whole shall be bestowed upon every man at some point in his life.