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How my day started. It's gonna be a good day Tater.


It's all so very confusing.
I dunno where to put this and navigating this site via mobile is hard. My apologies if this needs to be.moved

So here is how my day started. First, some might have seen my post yesterday in the hatemail thread. That was, more or less, how it ended.

Today. Sigh. So today, I wake up, I'm off work. It's gonna be a good day. Laid back. I'm gonna play MKX and level up and hit non-poverty combos, and rainbows and puppies and shit.

So, I roll outa bed, and I'm immediately in pain. I spent a large portion of yesterday laying down sliding around under a car, setting up a turbo system/kit in a buddies 92 5.0 Mustang. 650whp, daily driven with power steering and AC here we come.. But I digress.. So I'm sore. I dont fool with cars much anymore and my neck and shoulders just aren't used to it. So they hurt. No biggy, ain't bad. So, I move on to my morning hand exercises. Now, I'm 33, but I have Arthritis in both hands. I was a boxer/fighter for around 15 years of my life and Ive had, quite literally, 20+ breaks in my hands over the years. From large scale stuff to hairline crap I never had taken care of. My hands were always an issue. So, the results of that are me waking up every day with my right arm folded in and my hands more or less stuck in a semi-fist when I wake up. I have to gradually massage them out and go through a little routine before I can do much with them. Its 2min of little exercises and then I'm off! Well, its worse today, by far. All the fooling around with bolts and bullshit on the car, and probably snatching that guy up yesterday, they are aggravated as hell and HURT. This is the reason you all see me posting about combos and execution so often, my hands work against me, so its tricky for me on certain characters. But whatevs. I finally get my hands working again and stretched out.

Then I stretch and take a deep breath. Well, I try to. But I'm stuffed up and can't breath through my nose. Allergies every fall. I keep Afrin around for just this occasion. So I grosn and stumble and sniff and snot my way in to the living room, hunting for my Afrin. For those that don't know, Afrin is the nasal crap you spray up your nose and it clears your sinuses. Greatest shit on this earth. Seriously. I habent turned lights on or anything, just what trickles through the windows when the blinds are down, which ain't much. My four cats are swarming around my feet, they want food. I was t to be able to breath through my face. I spot my Afrin. I grab it, I open it, I squeeze it and with a monumental snort, try to suck as much in and as deeply, as possible.

Instant. Glaring. White. Pain. Likrblot my vision pain. Pain from my nose through into the center of my brain. I dry heaved, spun around, cussed, couldn't see, like just blurry vision as my eyes and nose just flung snot and tears everywhere. I hit my knees and lean forward. My GF comes running in asking what's wrong, I just laid down and rolled in to my back, forcibly blowing snot out of my nose the whole time while that mind numbing pain tapered off.

I lift my hand up, the hand that's still holding my Afrin... And that's when I realized instead of Afrim, I had just snorted a tremendous amount of alcohol based Lens Cleaner, my GF uses to clean her camera lenses when in the field (she's a wedding photographer). It's more or less, pure rubbing alcohol.

So here I am, standing in the shower typing this while occasionally forcing myself to snort water, to try and counter the damage I've done.

It's gonna be a good day Tater.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Holy shit man that's a heck of a day. I hope you're alright! Tomorrow surely can't be any worse! Keep your chin up :)


Bout it
Damn, man. Hope it turns around for you.

Sidenote, too much Afrin can cause hella rebound congestion. Ever tried the now over-the-counter corticosteroids Nasacort or Flonase? They're great.


It's all so very confusing.
Damn, man. Hope it turns around for you.

Sidenote, too much Afrin can cause hella rebound congestion. Ever tried the now over-the-counter corticosteroids Nasacort or Flonase? They're great.

I have not tried them.. but I might check them out, thanks for the recommendation. And yeah, Afrin def causes a little rebound, lol. ITS ADDICTING


Normalize grab immunity.
Wow. Did you get your nose, eyes, brain area checked out? If I snorted rubbing alcohol that'd be my main concern. Hope you're ok.


It's all so very confusing.
I'm pretty sure I'm fine, minus having a sinus headache that wont die. I googled it, and apparently snorting alcohol isn't what you'd call 'safe' but its not exactly dangerous unless you were trying to like, abuse it to get.. I dunno, drunk. Apparently, because human beings are friggen ridiculous, this is actually a thing with some people. Rubbing alcohol is safe to ingest if the amount is small enough, and humorously enough, if you drink a lot, you apparently end up being A) drunk and B) with like the worse case of painful flatulence EVER. So you are farting burning gas. I am not farting burning gas, so I'm pretty sure I'm ok. I was dizzy for a while, but that was likely because of the rapid uptake of pure alcohol, even if it was a very small amount, through my sinuses,, lol.

Ugh my head,.


It's all so very confusing.
Unharmed. My sinuses were sore for a few days but that was about it, and for about two days if I.sneezed it felt like the world was coming to an end