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How much does smell factor into your interest of a person?


Online Punching Bag
Maybe I'm just a weirdo but I was at one of my friends birthday party last night. A cute drunken girl starts getting cuddly with me. The thing that I notice the most about her is the way she smelled. Which was awesome I think it upped her hotness factor 10 times to me. Or she had some secret pheromone perfume or something.

She was a little taller than me I was beyond drunk and I was just closing my eyes and smelling her. Also stinky people make me want to barf. Am I alone in this? Should I see a therapist now?


Nope. You are more than OK. Smell takes a big part in sex-appeal, maybe the biggest, since there are sex hormones in a human's scent (depending on sex also). All I can say is no matter how hot is the girl, but if she smells like rotten fish she ain't gettin' none.


Online Punching Bag
A therapist for liking people who smell good? Err...what lol.
Hahah I'm far from an expert when it comes to women. I just mean do normal people take smell to this extreme of enjoyment. Me just smelling the girl for a few minutes while she was laying up against me. Is there such a thing as a smellophile haha


Online Punching Bag
Nope. You are more than OK. Smell takes a big part in sex-appeal, maybe the biggest, since there are sex hormones in a human's scent (depending on sex also). All I can say is no matter how hot is the girl, but if she smells like rotten fish she ain't gettin' none.
Couldn't agree more, stinky girls are such a turn off.


Joker waiting room
i had to work on a summary with this girl who had this fucking diarreah of a perfume,god fucking damn it that thing smelled like fucking horse shit covered in cow piss

if a girl i like smells nice i get more cuddly

im a very cuddly guy and i like to cuddle,+good smell and ill hug you like a spider.


『T R I G G E R E D』
i looked at the thread title and just laughed. to answer your question. as long as she doesnt smell bad. smelling good is a big plus though


Smell plays a big role for any sex. There's ugly chicks who get me to turn my head if I catch a wiff. Of course smelling good doesn't make someone instantly doable(is this even a real word? Lol), but it is very important for anyone.


Show me what you can do
No worries, you're in the green.

Smelling is one of the bigger things I look for, not to be shallow.

I dated this one chick who apparently didn't wear deodorant. If you got close enough, you could smell her b-o. Aside from that, she was great.


Online Punching Bag
Women who smoke

and people in general who dont use deoderant are on the "keep away " list

Women who smoke smell like cancer
Yeah I dated a smoker a couple of times, me being a non smoker, it wasn't that pleasant. Especially menthol cigarettes to me smell like burning turds. Ugg I don't know what's in them but god they smell horrible.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Dat anti smoking rhetoric xD everyone knows smoking is cool and nine out of ten doctors smoke pall mauls
real talk if smoking didnt exist our country would be wealthier individually and as a whole because you wipe out 80% lung cancer diagnosis as well as insurance claims which raises premiums which snow balls and effects everyone elses premiums


Smell plays a big part in a lot of species and their ability to attract a mate/find food.

It is said of all the senses, smell is the one that fosters old memories the most.


Purple balls covering the screen
real talk if smoking didnt exist our country would be wealthier individually and as a whole because you wipe out 80% lung cancer diagnosis as well as insurance claims which raises premiums which snow balls and effects everyone elses premiums
Damn big tobacco, I'm a smoker but I get what your saying, paying somebody to kill me is generally not a good idea lol


kung lao swag walker
If she smells goo she gets play. I doubt anyone wants a girl who smells bad. That, and theose women who don't shave LIKE I NEED THEM ARM PITS, AND OTHER AREAS TO NOT BE HAIRY or atleast manageable. They know that shit is wrong


Dojo Trainee
Very much so! I can't spend time with someone who doesn't smell all delicious-like.

"A smell can bring on a flood of memories, influence people's moods and even affect their work performance. Because the olfactory bulb is part of the brain'slimbic system, an area so closely associated with memory and feeling it's sometimes called the "emotional brain," smell can call up memories and powerful responses almost instantaneously." source: http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/life/human-biology/smell3.htm


I Pikachu while you shower.
A girl I went to class with in high school smelled like cured and dried lamb ribs. Weird thing is I have smelled 2 other girls that smelled the same.


Smell is pretty important. But it's more so if you aren't smelling BAD then that's what matters. If you smell 'standard' then that's fine or if you use EX smell (i.e. perfume or something) then that's obviously good as well.

I still maintain that personality rules over all....and looks can help as well :p


Women who smoke

and people in general who dont use deoderant are on the "keep away " list

Women who smoke smell like cancer
I'm in vermont, so girls that dont wash their hair or put this oily shit in their dreadlocks are also in the keep away list.