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How Many Matches A Day?


On average how many matches do you play daily? I usually go about 2 days without entirely and then I'll play between 25-30 when I have a good sit down :)
I rarely get to play during the week cause of work but weekends I usually go all night....an exact number though, I couldn't say but it's usually a couple hours
On average about 5 hours in Practice Mode against Expert AI, then about 2-3 runs through Expert Ladder.
And if I go online(not likely) about 5 matches.(either too much lag, or too much scorpion.)
And MAYBE about 10 matches of offline against an ~average player.

Hope to change that soon, want more matches against good players.
Might start a local scene for poor people that don't have gas to go to Atlanta.


Probably Drunk
Depends on what's going on, but I'll do about 20 a night. I spend more time in practice.


If no1 on my friends list is online I'll just spend time in practice. If they are then I'll usually play till I'm bored or have something else to do. When theres a few people and we make a priv KOTH room I can play over 50+ matches probably watch like 200 or summet and play for a few hours. Fun times. Mainly on weekends though.

Most of the time I can't stay on for that long.