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How is Mortal Kombat on the Xbox?

I owned MK on the PS3,but I just got the yellowlight of death. My only option now is to switch over to the XBOX. Im not into console wars, Im just a Mortal Kombat fan tring to enjoy the game. Thanks in advance to a great fighting game community.
I play the xbox360 version of MK. Difference would be:
-Online play works (PSN is down atm)
-No Kratos (Xbox exclusive character coming soon from what I hear)
-Character select screen I have noticed that when you scroll over a character the portrait takes a second to load where on the PS3 it seems instant. (Really isn't a problem unless you are really picky about it)

Other than that, and dealing with the horrible D-PAD on the xbox360 controller it is the same thing. I play with a stick though so I don't have to really worry about the controller.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I agree with Brybobobo, thing is not only does Xbox play right now online where as PSN don't but I believe it's also a superior, better experience online(judging from my own experience on both)

Kratos, pfft I think he's been a tad bit overhyped honestly...but the MK team did say at some point Xbox will get some kind of exclusive content.

I have to say though, I think MK9 was made with both pads and sticks in mind. I can actually play this MK on a pad, and stick. I do better on a pad though.

Welcome to TYM btw