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How I'd make Tanya fun...


Special Forces Sonya Up-player
This character got a massive redesign. Love it or loathe it. And they did so little with it that it seems kind of pointless. I like her base move set, but it feels exactly like that, a variationless version of an MKX character. Where's all the fun stuff? I've got some ideas to make her more fun.

Note this isn't about making her better, or saying she isn't good, she is, she's just kinda boring and wasted potential. So if you see the below and think this would make her too good, I'm not concerned about balance, that can be adjusted easily by fucking around with frames. I want my characters interesting. For me it centres around her buff.

  1. New string. 124. There's a gap between 2 and 4, the 4 is like the standing 4 kick but pops up and is minus on block.
  2. New string 41+3. A combo ender, the standing 4 cancels into a grab where her spirit arms grab you and throw you away.
  3. When you go from level 1 buff to level 2 buff the timer resets. Rn if you do it in stages, you might only have level 2 buff for a second if you were on level 1 for a while.
  4. Level 1 buff gives her access to teleport, but not ex teleport.
  5. Level 1 buff gives her access to an air straight teleport similar to MKX.
  6. Level 2 buff gives her access to ex straight air teleport.
  7. Having buff active increases the damage on special moves slightly.
  8. Having buff active means you can hold her projectile at the cost of the buff. So level 1 you can hold it for saying 30 frames, and you lose the buff. Level 2 you can hold it for 30 frames and go down to level 1, or for 60 frames and lose it all.
  9. A new special move projectile using her spirit arms which is very similar to Green Lanterns missiles in Injustice GAU where it hits mid with a slow start up. Ex throws out another arm.
  10. A new special move where she sweeps her staff through the air in an arc. Think Lasher Takeda but on one side only.
These are just ideas. Just a couple of them would make her cooler. So let me know what you'd like to see changed, not balance per se, but just to make her more interesting.

I think this is good approach because it adds management to her buff. She doesn't just get all this stuff for free, she needs to have the charge ready and decide what the best way to use it is. Teleport, projectile or damage and dashes? It makes her gameplay more deep and enjoyable. It also gives level 1 buff a purpose. With all the extra things you get though, decreasing the speed of the start up on buff may be necessary though.
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