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How do you think so fast and accuratley?


My brain freezes up when I try to do long combos. I have to try and think about the next move and time my hits at the same time. I think my fingers are fast enough, I just can't send the signals right for the combos or something. I always press the wrong button or press the button too many times or press it with the wrong timing. Combos like the one in this video from the Cyrax forum are unreal to me. I can't remember and execute at the same time–something gets lost in translation.

What do I need to do to be better at combos? Play Simon or something? lol

P.S. the "buffer system" is ruining me!


Don't try to remember a super long combo, instead start at the beginning and do it until it's muscle memory. Then you can move on to the next part, and so on. This is also nice, because it's easier to mix and match parts of combos if things connect oddly during a match.

Some preemptive advice, when you start getting to the long combos, you'll hit a point where you drop it in the same spot over and over. Keep up the work in practice mode, and keep trying different methods of input till you find what works.


Nightwolf Mourner
That happens with me sometimes, it all has to do with muscle memory. Do the first part of the combo over and over till you can do it without even thinking. Then add the next part, if your having trouble transitioning, stop for a minute and ponder on what your doing wrong. Are you mistiming a move or are you just not pressing the right button.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It's mostly muscle memory. You get used to seeing when to go for what combo. Just takes experience.


Cock Master!!
i personally suck at doing long combos.. i cant time anything that needs precise timing.. just stick to simple combos and play defense..


Thinking in fighting games...

It sounds to me like you are WAY overthinking it man.

Now I'm not saying that one doesn't need to think during fighting games, but in general what most people (ok, me anyways. But I assume for others...) are thinking about are meta-level concerns like "Man! Does this guy EVER use his low string?" or whatever. For the rest of the stuff "we" just "zen it in".

If you're having problems with combos though, I find one thing that can really help is to get your launcher~first linker down on lock in practice mode. (Might take 2 minutes, might take 2 hours, just depends on you) then (still in practice mode) set the opponent to AI->Expert.

Now your goal here isn't to rushdown and destroy the AI. It's garbage and pretty exploitable and you're not gonna learn anything useful from it. What you want to do here is basically evade whatever the AI throws at you til you find something he does to be punishable, at which point you want to use your newfound string (which you now have on lock) to punish it.

Now IN THEORY this should be just as easy as it was when the dude was standing still, but most people find that in reality that's not quite how it works. Things change when the bricks start to hit back as it were.

Anyways, once you get the string to a point where it's not just "on lock", but it's near 100% when used as a punish, set the AI back off and try adding the second link to the string. Here's the cool part: It will likely seem REALLY EASY to you now to add the second link where previously it seemed impossible! That's, of course, because the problem you had probably wasn't really the link at all, it was probably just trying to commit too much at once to muscle memory and inadvertantly creating a habit of making bad presses.

Just a suggestion,


Don't try to remember a super long combo, instead start at the beginning and do it until it's muscle memory. Then you can move on to the next part, and so on. This is also nice, because it's easier to mix and match parts of combos if things connect oddly during a match.

Some preemptive advice, when you start getting to the long combos, you'll hit a point where you drop it in the same spot over and over. Keep up the work in practice mode, and keep trying different methods of input till you find what works.

Also don't be so concerned with the super absurd long combos. It's far more important to have some strong BnB's that you can rely on and always land. Always being able to hit a 35-38% combo, is far better than sometimes hitting a 46% combo.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
And remember... Repetition is the key. Put hours in the lab to practice.