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How do you record high quality videos from non-HD TV?


Miley Cyrax®

I have a PS3 connected to an older 32" TV with RCA connectors. How can I get good quality videos on teh youtubes? I know it won't be 720p or 1080p because it's a standard definition TV, but there's gotta be a cleaner way to record than with a pocket cam on a tripod (which looks like butt).

Could I go RCA-out from my TV and use something like this on my computer for RCA-in? http://www.amazon.com/EasyCAP-DC60-Creator-Capture-High-quality/dp/B002H3BSCM/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1314081616&sr=1-3 . I guess that would work with the appropriate software to record in real-time, but can someone confirm?

It would be nice to have an HD television, but alas, I am a poor musician!


Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Youre pretty much looking at your only option right there. You could theoretically run the computer between your ps3 and the tv. Capturing HD from the ps3 and out putting SD to your tv. But that requires serious hard ware and will introduce latency into the situation. Which is well, no bueno.

-b_s- :headbang:


Miley Cyrax®
Hmmmm. It's still gotta be better than recording with a $50 pocket cam on a tripod. Right now this is my quality,

P.S. - Your avatar is amazing.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Lol Thx man. Cheers me up every time. But your option is viable, but you will be gettin SD in 4:3 out put to the computer. (square shaped final product instead of widescreen) Which will be better than using a cam. The only other thing I can suggest is looking into some av hardware that will take hdmi in, and out put to multiple types sources simultaneously. That way you get digitally coverted SD signal to your tv, and an uncompressed HD signal to your computer. But I only know audio stuff so I'm shooting in the dark here. Im sure such hardware exists, but who knows, it could very well cost as much as a new tv.....

-b_s- :headbang:


Miley Cyrax®
Well, I have plenty of hard drive space to store raw video and can then use software that I already have to convert it and shrink the file size. I have a 3TB external hdd, 500GB portable drive, and 500GB internal laptop drive. I really don't need HD or HDMI, I just want something that is watchable and not annoying. I'm trying to be cheap here lol. Thanks for the help. =)

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I would go that route then. For sure. Sony Vegas is a great suite for stuff like that. BTW, do you play in a band? If so Got a link?

-b_s- :headbang: