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How do you guys like it so far?


Like the title says. Im still on edge of getting this game because after playing the demo, I dont know what to think about it.

I know that was a really early build for the game but thats not what Im concerned about. Its the feel of the game that I'm worried about. I just don't like the feel of the game. The controls and animations seem stiff.


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Like the title says. Im still on edge of getting this game because after playing the demo, I dont know what to think about it.

I know that was a really early build for the game but thats not what Im concerned about. Its the feel of the game that I'm worried about. I just don't like the feel of the game. The controls and animations seem stiff.
Haha, I actually just made an article about this on the front page.

My thoughts are... in all honesty... the best MK. MKD was my last favorite MK game and before that... UMK3.

MK9 though... definitely worth it.

Also, I'm trying to get some top players to collaborate in writing an overall review of the game. When it's done, I'll post it on the front page.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
MK9 is one of the best MK's I've ever played, hands down. I enjoy them all, some more then others but MK9 is up there with MK2 and UMK3, as far as I'm concerned.


has lots of potential,,, its by far the worst mk online to date.... my the servers crash and burn... you cant even play casuals.