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Question How do you get into your element?


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I watch these pros play MKX a lot. Some of them are more talented in some areas than others, but that doesn't always serve as the precursor for who wins. Some will say its the matchup. Others will say its nerves. Some will say its knowledge. More than all of these things, it is whether or not they are fully immersed into the game as their element.

What is your element? Is it a choice? Can you get there if its not where you're starting from?

Your element is where you find yourself when you don't have to think to do what you want.

The choice comes from embracing yourself through the medium.

Absolutely, yes. Talent is only potential. It takes practice to achieve transcendence and transcendence of self through the chosen medium is the only way to get there.

Stop overthinking things. The only thing that matters is the next move. Acclaim doesn't matter. Opinions don't matter. Prizes don't matter. Accommodations don't matter. The past doesn't matter. The future only matters when it is here. Nerves don't matter. The controller doesn't matter. Inputs don't matter. Be your character. Be your opponent. Understand your opponent's angle, but embrace none of your own. Lead those looking for conflict in a dance of destruction or see your opponent's own dance of destruction to meet him where he is weakest. You don't need to think about it. Never dwell. Never look ahead. The next moment at all times going forward will keep you at your best, always. You never tire of breathing, so there's no reason to ever tire of living in the moment.


The world's least hype player
Winning. I find that if I win a few games before I play online or even when I play exclusively online that I have a bit of momentum behind me, I don't second guess myself and things slide into place. Also if i'm just in a good mood it helps.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
A post with no picture? GAV, I'm seriously proud of you :REO

We can't be ourselves and be our opponent at the same time though. Unless you're hinting that we are our own worst enemies? Then shit just got real deep.
We are our own worst enemies at times, but we can be ourselves and our opponents at the same time.

Once you understand your opponent's thought process, what he will do from moment to moment becomes clear.

Once you understand your own thought process, discard it because you're thinking too much.

Transcend the moment and thinking becomes like breathing.