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How do I fight Kitana?


Watch this set up.
First off let me say,I hate this bitch with a passion.I've never hated a character this bad since MK9 Smoke,the cheap shithead that he was.The character that I'm literally in tears over is the hoodrat princess Kitana. You all know her, and I'm sure you know how to fight her. I sadly don't know how to fight her and I request help from the lovely members of this community. I'm a Quan Chi player and my first instinct would be to zone her out but Kitana somehow always screws me up.Her air fans beat out my skulls and runes. My bat is the only thing keeping me alive. I'd go for my hard to blockable but my opponent has practiced defending against the vortex so he blocks it 80% of the time no matter how perfect I execute(and I execute it pretty perfectly).Not to mention Kitana is absurdly safe every way on the screen.The most reliable punishes on her up close are D1 into grab.Whenever I have a bar of meter I'm safe,without it I'm totally screwed over. What are my problems?What and how should I punish?What should be my game plan?What variation does the best against her? I just need help.


What a day. What a lovely day.
Walk forward. Duck the fans. Don't jump. Try not to do anything too unsafe.

That's about it. If you knock her down, stand over her until she chooses to wakeup or not. If she wakes up, it's a full combo punish. If she doesn't then you're at frame advantage. She's a meta breaker, just refuse to play her game.


I don't know who that is...
Yes, pretty much. Unless she's in Mournful you have no reason to respect the fan.
Can you interrupt between d1~fan with a fast enough normal or armor? Kinda like you could with smokes d1~smoke bomb and kitanas d1~ cutter in mk9? Or is the ducking the fan the only option around it?


What a day. What a lovely day.
Can you interrupt between d1~fan with a fast enough normal or armor? Kinda like you could with smokes d1~smoke bomb and kitanas d1~ cutter in mk9? Or is the ducking the fan the only option around it?
I'm not 100% sure if you're blocking high, but I know if you're blocking low you can let go of block and interrupt with a poke. The fan does not jail. If it's a habit you can actually armor through the d1-fan.


I don't know who that is...
I'm not 100% sure if you're blocking high, but I know if you're blocking low you can let go of block and interrupt with a poke. The fan does not jail. If it's a habit you can actually armor through the d1-fan.
Hmmmm I'm going to test if you can interrupt with standing normals when I get home, but either way I don't mind ducking it or interrupting with armor.