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Question - Kung Lao How do I do the 11212 and 112124 strings?

I'm feeling really dumb, but I can't do 112 at all. 11 comes out just fine, but stops after that. Is there a trick to getting 112 and the associated string afterwards?


I do 11 then roll my thumb back and fourth for 212. Don't try to push them all independently like a normal combo, it's way to fast.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
After 1,1, I just roll my thumb across 212 and it comes out. Same as I did in MK9 for that string.
I'm able to do it now (on stick). I press 11 with my index finger, then 2 with my middle finger, then 1 with index, 2 with middle. It has to be done very fast, no time to use one finger both all buttons.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
The 2 has to be as fast as the 1,1, so just get faster on getting from 1 to 2.

Kung Lmao

The Great Kung Lmao of Rofl Land
I switched these buttons: 2 and 3 so I could do this specific string easier, no regrets - this button layout feels perfect for Lao when you use a regular controller, since actually 3 is the least used button for him. And doing B321 string feels comfortable and natural like this too.

1 & 2 control hands
3 & 4 controls legs

Xbox controller: Switch A and Y
PS controller: Switch X and Triangle

1,1 2+1,2~4 is the way i do it.
When you switched the 2 buttons around, you will be doing the entire string with your thumb and it feels so natural.

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My only question is, what is the purpose making it so finicky? Why not just allow normal input pace like 99% of the other strings in the game
It is the same input pace really. you have until the recovery frames of the move before to input the next one. The only way to make it easier would be say to make the string 1124 and 2 automatically does 3 hits. I don't mind execution though and frankly we're lucky to have such a hitconfirmable string compared to most strings in MKX.