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Question How big of a deal is hitbox vs Skarlet?

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
So the more I play against characters with large hitboxes, the more I realize...IT MATTERS!

I was playing a guy online and he was using cyrax. he threw a bomb, I dashed in from full screen, threw ex dagger, blocked...cancelled it into f2121+2.

I could have empty red dashed, but then I wouldnt have had a guarantee on pressure. wiff punishing with EDC into f2121+2 on large hitbox characters is AWESOME. Not to mention after a reset.

So I want the communities opinion. How big of a deal is hitbox vs Skarlet? and an even better question...How can we as Skarlet players, abuse her tools vs large hitbox characters better?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
hmmm, i would say its a very big deal, specially when we can only touch them out of frame advantage as they crouch block, and when we need to start some pressure on their block, if the 1st hit whiffs they may poke out of the pressure and annoy all the rest of it.

landing a F2 has 1st hit or a 11 string is a very big deal, means a lot, but if they whiff all the time gets frustrating to bait your opponent when he can see a downslash coming from miles away and fuzzy block it


Would say it's a big deal indeed, Skarlet has an extra edge against big hitbox characters. The guaranteed chip of 7% after blocking an ex dagger with the 2nd biggest cancel advantage she has where she can do whatever she wants after that:
- ERD(Empty Red Dash)
- Upslash for 2% extra chip
- Downslash/slide for mix-ups
- Bloodball to use once every blue moon to catch them off guard for an extra 6% chip or 15% damage
- Whiffed EX Dagger so she is at +7(if opponent has no meter or no armor => free B11F4)

1 hits them on crouch block, more strings can link into EX dagger on crouchblock(doesn't jail them, but can catch them off guard). Important to know who has a high hitbox, I only know a few.


A big deal.

She gets guaranteed F2,1,2,1+2 blockstring off of reset into EX Dagger so she builds more meter and does more chip damage than just B1, 1, F4 and she pushes them further to the corner.

F2,1,2,1+2 can also be used in the neutral game better cuz if they guess wrong when u do empty red dashes, you can start throwing F2,1,2,1+2 out as a blockstring rather than another D4,red dash.

Her standing 1 can connect on crouch block so she can do better 1,1,4 pressure (read above about empty red dashes) and same applies to empty EX red dashes. Since this is her fastest string it makes it easier for her to pressure than vs. low hitbox characters.

Also character specific, but characters like Mileena when they do D4 they can avoid down dagger up close. Another one is Reptile where his hitbox avoids iaD completely (doesn't matter too much cuz u can still use ground daggers).

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
With iadd whiffing, it's about placement. Put the dd in front of them where the d4 would be. They can't get away from it then. It's actually a really good footsie tool vs characters with those d4 animations. Especially Sonya.