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Hori Pad or MLG Pro Circuit?


Nothing gets past the Cold Field.
I can play Mortal Kombat fine with a standard 360 Controller, but with Injustice....it just sucks. I found it harder to pull off special moves with it.
So I was searching the internet looking for a controller that had a better D-pad, and it came down to these two.

Hori Pad EX2 Turbo.
I heard this was really great for fighters, It's also really cheap (around $30).

MLG Pro Circuit Controller
I heard this is a really great controller, it comes with a PS3 D-pad and I really want to replace the left analog stick with it, so I can play fighting games better. But I'm not sure if it's well worth the price to pay ($100).

I would mostly like someone to tell me from personal experience.

Also don't tell me to get a fighting stick, cause I don't like having a huge piece of plastic on my laps and I'm not good with them.


What's a Smarrgasm?
I personally hated the MLG pad. It was stiff and unresponsive for MK. Just my thoughts though. Im sure others may like it. The price is also a little much for a standard controller. For me, Playstation pads have been the best with etokki converters. Thats most likely what i will be using for injustice just like i do for MK9.


Get over here!
Hori pads are awesome (I use the fc3pro) BUT, THE D PAD IS NOT VERY DURABLE! The rubber contacts break after a while and you will need to replace the controller. I'm currently on my 2nd hori pad (and have 2 new ones in reserve) . If you don't mind it only lasting a year (or less) of regular competitive play it is an awesome pad, only downside is the durability of the d pad contactors


have you considered a madcatz fightpad.

i recently got one to play MK with because the 360 Dpad was annoying me and i fine it to be brilliant and they are cheap too.

If you only want either of the two you asked about, I would go with the Hori pad. I've heard good things about the MLG pad if you are into FPS'. Other genres, not to much good feedback. And like someone said, they have a d-pad for fighting games, but you have to buy it separately.

If you want something different, I suggest getting a PS2 pad with appropriate converters for whatever system you will be playing with. If not, look into the Capcom SF pads. They are pretty good and the more recent ones are smaller compared to the earlier bulky ones.

If you want something with a great d-pad, I suggest looking into the Xbox 1 pad. I don't know if it was the regular pad or the S pad that came out later, but the d-pad on that thing is really nice and responsive.


Waiting for Havik
I recommend a Logitech pad, always good. I have a wireless but some people say wireless add lag so... But Logitech is known for its quality.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I have an mlg pad, with the ps3 style dpad....hate it. Tried the cross style one too and hated it. It's just too stiff for fighters. Really wears the hand out. Great for shooters though