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Honest Opinion about Bibs and Shirts

Is the "I Got Babied, Bro!" bib/shirt idea a good one?

  • Yes: It's for fun and the players know and realize this and it added some hype

    Votes: 30 85.7%
  • Yes: But it wouldn't be if it were done to me/I only want a laugh if its at someone else's expense

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • No: It can change the outcome of a tournament by encouraging players to play without blocking

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No: It is embarrassing and a player shouldn't be made to feel that way

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters


So the "I Got Babied, Bro!" Bib and Shirt, IMO went fairly well at WB.

I got a LOT of feedback from it, both positive and negative, and players did express it to me.

Poll Posted above, but I'd like some more feedback before I do something like this again.

Some of the feedback I got:

- It's funny
- Players know it's a joke
- It added hype to the tournament in a fun

- Might change the outcome of the tourney by players playing for babies
- Embarrassing
- Players may outright refuse to participate/wear bib/wear shirt

The last thing I want to do is change the outcome of a tournament by encouraging players NOT TO BLOCK.

Don't get me wrong, players who play for babies and lose, simply aren't playing to win... but I think you get how this could encourage people to play that way.


The only problem I see with it is if its someone's first tournament and then someone babies them. They wont really be familiar with the scene so they will feel like they are being made fun of instead of the actual joke that it is.


Don't get me wrong, my thread did say the person would be forced to wear it, but in reality, I know I can't(and wouldn't) force someone to wear them. STB Chongo was a really great sport, as was the person who won the shirt...though at first he said that he didn't even want the shirt, later on he came back and took it, and wore it on stream which was great to see.


My blades will find your heart
Don't get me wrong, my thread did say the person would be forced to wear it, but in reality, I know I can't(and wouldn't) force someone to wear them. STB Chongo was a really great sport, as was the person who won the shirt...though at first he said that he didn't even want the shirt, later on he came back and took it, and wore it on stream which was great to see.
I just think that if they are not new to the community, they will probably be good sports and wear it because they know it is just a joke. If they are new they might see it as an insult, especially if they are younger.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I'm sure players will know when to draw the line on where to attempt a baby or not. Good luck still getting one if Cage lands a nutpunch or Scorpion lands a spear lol. I myself only do it if it occurs to me that I don't remember taking any chip.

Morally any competent player should see the funny side of it regardless. This is Mortal Kombat, never expect a free pass on anything.

Edit: I just thought of an interesting angle, how about (for example's sake) Chongo has to keep wearing the bib until he babies someone else on stream? And then that person wears it until they baby someone else etc..


We ALL get babied sometimes. It happens. No reason to be embarrassed over it.

I thought it added hype and made a cool souvenir. STB Chongo is a great player, and good sport. I think that showed :)

As for it changing tourney outcomes, I can't see it. People have put out bounties and even babality bounties on players before. It just adds hype!

Tim Static

People should be embarrassed by getting babies. My advice? Don't get babied, bro.

Anywho, 9.95 the community needs some hype thats positive, and this helps out in that regard. :)

Sent from The Turk


Keep the votes coming... I sincerely appreciate the feedback.

Edit: I just thought of an interesting angle, how about (for example's sake) Chongo has to keep wearing the bib until he babies someone else on stream? And then that person wears it until they baby someone else etc..
This is something we've considered... but imagine being at a tournament for HOURS where someone has been wearing that shirt/bib and has been sweating/smelling it up? I wouldn't want someone to have to wear a shirt that's been smelling like that...


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Keep the votes coming... I sincerely appreciate the feedback.

This is something we've considered... but imagine being at a tournament for HOURS where someone has been wearing that shirt/bib and has been sweating/smelling it up? I wouldn't want someone to have to wear a shirt that's been smelling like that...
LOL. Yeah fair point, a joke bib isn't exactly gonna be kept in pristine condition like a WWE title belt or something. As long as there's enough to go around though then I guess the cause still works.


Yung Kneecaps
I don't block when I play anyways. Like literally I forget I have a block button unless I'm using ex lol babies give you bad habits (-.- )


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
I agree with what Tim said. If you don't want to wear the shirt, don't get babied.

I ALWAYS make sure my opponent blocks once if they get a round on me. If I see they're not blocking, I exploit that until they do