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Holy Mid Strings, Batman!


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
I'm not sure how many of you cats noticed but the days of "dawg, my mid sucks" or "why would I pick him? He has no mid.." seem to be distant memory.

I've been trying to keep track of every character who has a mid hitting starter or string...and the answer is EVERY SINGLE ONE THAT I SAW.

No longer will the double d1s on block rule the footsie game (guess it depends on if they are largely 0 or + like IGAU) as EVERY CHARACTER THUS FAR has a mid string starter, many of these are advancing strings.

From the streams, it seems that the fastest normals are high (as they should be about punishing unsafe shit opposed to the main option in neutral) but many/most strings are mid-mid-mid, mid-mid-low, etc.

It seems that NRS has taken a strong stance on where they want neutral to play in Injustice 2. No more gimmicks, no more 50/50 starters into meterless launchers. No more 50/50 starters into 50/50 specials. Not saying the overhead/low mixups will be completely gone, I'm just stating most character will not rely on that.


NOW PLEASE, LORD PAULO, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE US ANOTHER BATGIRL-ESQUE DLC.....don't ruin this potentially great thing.

How do you guys feel about this? Do you guys want to continue winning off of coin flip or do some of you want to win by actually being good at fighting games? Let me know in the comment section below!
I mean everyone can combo off a d1 so that's at least a 9 frame launching mid for everyone
Didn't D1 starters scale damage like crazy in IGAU? If so, maybe it'll be the same in I2. Edit: I have been informed that this is not the case. Oh well. We'll see how it turns out.

To the thread starter: Yes, I would appreciate less of the whacked risk/reward, 50/50-oriented gameplay!


Mids starters? Low starters? Overhead starters?

Fuck all that. Give me my Earth Shake back. :(


After seeing Scarecrow (and to a lesser extent Swamp Thing) it appears we will have a lot of "Aquaman-esque" footsie characters. Not sure if I'm going to be a fan of half-screen overhead/lows, but i'll take footsies over 50/50s any day.

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
I'm not talking about the teleport scrub. I'm talking about the exact same supergirl normal, her F3 can cross up but she can actually control where it lands mid animation
OMFG Shazzy be quiet. It's just a gimmick guys, nothing broken about it at all. Just ignore Shazzy. He hasnt been feelings well sense Dr. Fate got annonced. Doctors say its HyperSaltyDelusionaryDefibrillation.

Its wildly contagious.